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I am building a layout using Atlas track. I have purcahsed a number of Atlas turnouts and the controls seem to be cheap. Also I have read about switch motors burning out on Atlas turnouts. I am hoping that some of you haveexperience in this area and have  replace these controls with mommentary switches. If so, what did you use and what was your source?


Thanks Art

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The Atlas switch controllers are the same ones that are made for their HO & N switches. They are mostly reliable. To replace them, I use a SPDT momentary (on)-off-(on) switch rated at 6 amps. These are available from most electronics supply houses-- such as ,  , or Ebay. I also power the switch machines with a capacitive discharge supply that provides a 25Vdc pulse for 1/2 second, then stays at 0 volts until I release the toggle switch. This keeps the coils from burning out. hope this helps---

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