Hello switcher fans...well I must admit that I "busted" on the Easter presentations, so I will just have to post what I have. Today the star of the show is a Lionel type # 152 "S" cab that is serving as our switch engine today. She is very short wheelbase so the L&S likes to use her in tight spots. She has been around since 1917 so is very familiar to the yard crews.
The job today is easy...drop the caboose on the main, then move past the switch and back into the team track behind the depot. There pick up an empty cattle car to be returned to the Union Stock Lines. She is old #152, been around for decades and showing some wear and in need of paint, but the L&S is too cheap to spring for a paint job...besides the paint doesn't help her pull a load (so says management),
Here she is getting ready to perform her task for today. The caboose, a number 801,borrowed from the Wabash and dating from 1926 has been left on the main while the engineer backs up the team track to couple up to the stock car. The #901 "Lake Shore" Gondola dating from about 1918 (its a "Corporation Car") and available until 1919 provides some additional length so he doesn't have to back as far into the yard.
Here is the view from the caboose end. The #802 "Union Stock Lines" stock car dating from 1915 to 1926 and unstamped on the bottom, hence likely earlier than 1918 in the background is the task for today. Once she has that picked up, she can move out and get the cars where they need to go.
Happy SwSat everyone...have a Blessed Easter.