Good morning fellow switcher fans!! Wonderful photos, videos, and info guys ... and I'm enjoying it all
Today I'm featuring the adventures of my K line Pennsy A5 switcher. I bought this switcher back at a train show in Feb. of 2019 brand new. Once at home I weathered it and had fun doing so.
The crew tops off the tank of old number 94 as they ready her for the day's switching assignment. Suddenly the conductor gets an order from the dispatcher to pull away from the tank immediately! Get this one switch move completed then go back and continue filling the tank. An industrial road grade crossing needs to be cleared pronto!
After pulling away from the tank, moving forward and past the turnout, Clarence, the brakeman, throws the switch and Luke, the engineer, reverses the locomotive easing her backward onto the merging track with great skill. After coupling on to a string of freight cars the mighty little A5 pushes the cars back beyond the dirt road grade crossing. Once the crossing is cleared, several dump trucks are able to cross over the tracks. The truck drivers all give a grateful toot of their air horns to the crew of 94.
The conductor, Wally Harris a 31 year railroad veteran, and Clarence are trying to figure out who in the world was the crew that left those freight cars blocking that old dirt road. "The dispatcher was really teed off when I spoke to him this morning" Wally says in an animated tone of voice. "I sure don't want to be around when he finds out who did it!" Clarence says while shaking his head wildly from side to side. Wally goes on to say " I'll tell ya .... that particular dispatcher has got one heck of a temper and you can bet your sweet life that once he gets hold of that crew there will be some new four letter words invented and ... and ... they will be written up big time!! Whew! Those dump trucks have been sitting there waiting with their loads for well over an hour! Can you believe it!!
Having completed it's first switching assignment this morning, the powerful 0-4-0 returns to the water tank and Jasper the fireman continues to top off the tank.
Having coupled to it's train, the 0-4-0 continues out of the yard.
With the morning sun glistening off the railheads, the A5 approaches the commuter station at 10 mph. with bell clanging and a long toooooot of the whistle. Luke and Jasper keep skillfully trained eyes ahead on the track and platform ahead. Their foremost thought " safety first always."
The passenger platform is full of folks waiting for the next commuter train.
As the freight approaches a grade crossing Luke calls out to Jasper " Hey J Man!", Lukes nickname for Jasper, " Check out this new Ford sitting at the crossing! She looks terrific!"
Later, about to cross over another at grade crossing which accommodates a bulk of the morning rush hour. " Guess lots of those folks are going to be frustrated sitting there waiting for us to get our train across at 10 mph." says Jasper. " Yep. Sure thing!" It sure doesn't help them that we are pulling a longer consist than usual this morning. Luke nods back to Jasper. " Yep, you got that right J man. These folks need to take the train to work instead of wasting their gas and time !" Jasper adds. Luke emphatically nods in agreement.
After being on the job for 5 hours number 94 is ready for a good sized swig of water, before carrying out more switching duties. Jasper attends to aligning the spout as he thinks to himself how nice it will be when he and the rest of the crew wet their whistles at the Side Track Tap once they finish work today.
Old 94 at yet another grade crossing after having set out a tank car at a local fuel oil dealer.
With the best part of the day behind number 94's crew, they watch 0-8-0 number 75 shove a cut of cars, as 94 waits on a red signal. When their signal turn green, it won't be long before Luke eases 94 up to the water tank where the this day began for a topping off of the tender and the day will be done. After that a hostler will take her back to the roundhouse for lite servicing. The crew of 94 will then sign out at the yard office and head off to the Side Track Tap to top off their own tanks with some great craft brews before heading home for dinner.
Ahhhh - the day is done.
I hope everyone is well! Keep your distance and wash those hands! Have fun this weekend and be sure to run some trains!!!