There are several places where I need ceiling height irregular rocky mountain tunnels which I am in the process of making out of removable 2" thick foam boards and an over sized Hot Wire type slicer and assorted Walking Dead weapons.
I am making snow shed type of plywood step stool tunnels for a couple of delicate outside corner locations and foam ribs for along the along the wall spots.
Fabrication of flat surfaces is OK for me but I do NOT have an artists eye. My question is where can I resource ideas for this project.
The mountain tunnels will be removable for two reasons. Track-turnout maintenance and no indoor poisonous Hot Wire fumes.
Also, as work is continuing I notice shaping foam layers through construction adhesive fights back. Is there a better adhesive which offers less resistance to cut through?
Non tunneled mountains will be permanent gypsum based over stucco lath or cardboard webbing. That lath can get a tad bloody, and I mean real type "O" blood. One thing about lath, you can lay it over scrap lumber and hit it everywhere to make topographical shapes prior to final installation. Lath also makes a nice lid foundation to access staging tracks.
Thank you.