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I am trying to model downtown Dallas,TX in the 50’s-60’s. Looking for die cast yellow taxi cabs. All the ones I have found are 1:43 scale and have NYC, LA or some other city on them.

Any ideas on a source for 1:48 scale taxis without a name of a town on them? How hard would it be to remove the town names from the available models without scratching the paint? Assume decals?

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I've got a couple of ERTL Checker Cabs, no city names, but 1/43.  Would definitely fit your time frame.  1/48 may be hard to find.

As for removing city names, if decals you could try re-wetting with Microscale Microsol or Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.  If painted there have been lots of posts about removing lettering without harming underlying paint. Do a search.  I've used the same Magic Eraser, Testor's Easy Lift Off, Mechanical draftsman eraser.  I remember someone using a regular Pink Pearl eraser successfully.

This is all I have in my files.

In general, drill piolet holes then larger holes to fit LED sizes. Evans Designs sell a bunch with a regulator and built in circuitry. Connect to a 18 volt  AC or DC power source to light. A wall charger will work too. Silicone the lights in place. Extend and run wires to your choice of power.

I also use them in M7's & RK Subway cars that use track AC voltage. They stay lit when throttle is down to 7v.

TOLL [2)


Evan LEDS [1)

evan design red leds [3)

evan design red leds [2)

evan design red leds [1)


subs nov 2019 [1)



Images (9)
  • TOLL (2)
  • LED's
  • Evan LEDS  (1)
  • evan design red leds   (3)
  • evan design red leds   (2)
  • evan design red leds   (1)
  • 1 TOLL LEDS (3)
  • subs nov 2019 (1)

I gave up and am using 1/43, an unwelcome compromise, has the variety and choices, and, often the appearance.  I wish these companies would save themselves some money and not preprint vehicles, maybe providing decals if they must, free to be omitted. I have seen some expensive early cab models, 1940 Ford, for example, uncommon and pricy, that couldn't be considered for purchase, as painting over or deleting lettering would destroy value.

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