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Previously I had purchased several of Dave Baran's poles and now have a need for more for my layout.  When trying to mimic (and NOT even coming close) Dave's construction, I am trying to figure a way to consistently notch each pole for the crossarms being attached.  Have any of you attempted such a build and had success achieving this?


All help, suggestion, etc. would be greatly appreciated.




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     Are you making telegraph poles or utility poles?  I remember Dave's product very well, unfortunately i do not have any, what great product he had!   Maybe he will return.  As of the notching i have not seen that on utility poles.  There is great post on poles in this forum section by Dave Minarik.  I am using keil line, which is a scale kit.  I do not notch my pole for the crossarm.  Can you post a pic.  Also a while back a forum member did a huge post on pics of utility poles, look that one up.  Lot of great ideas.  PRR middle division (Neil Schorr) had Weaver models produce a very attractive product as well.   Good luck!



I made some years ago and I believe it was Dave's method. I lost my instruction sheet. 


I recall scraping the pole length wise with my fine cutoff blade to striate the pole. I then use the saw to cut groves for the cross members. I then notched it out with a utility blade. I also recall having a file in which I could clean out the notch. The file was the thickness of the grove and I used the side of the file. Then I did the beads and brace support out of a common pin.

Years ago when I made some poles for my layout I scratched the length of the poles with my zona saw fine tooth blade. Once I finished that with the poles I wanted to make I would put 5 or 6 at a time against my miter fence on my table saw and set the table saw blade up about a 1/16" maybe a touch more then run the poles through the saw where I wanted the notch for the cross arm. It was pretty quick and the narrow with of the blade cut for the notch fit the cross arm perfectly. Hope this helps. Happy Thanksgiving!

Originally Posted by CSX Al:

did you use a dado stack to notch the grooves and just do a few passes with the regular saw blade?


Gene, I just did several passes with a standard blade.


Why do electric poles have 3 wires?


Hot / Com / Ground


3 phases, neutral is generated with a isolation transformer and the ground is local.


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