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Winter is winding down (it's 70 in New England), so I will be slowing (but not stopping) the work in my train layout.  But the track is down, wires connected,  the trains are running and the house did not burn down

That's a long winded intro to a simple thanks for all the patient advice I have received from this forum over the past two years on stuff like how to build a bidirectional block control system, add circuit breakers with TVC, use a diode tree to step down voltage, swapping LEDs for conventional bulbs, where to shop for various components, etc.  You guys are great - keep it up. 

Attached is a  photo of the layout (just track and most of the accessories, which are not ready for use - not a good shot but will post more when it is prettier), backside of the circuit breaker panel (with TVS), and the main wiring panel (relays with hopefully the right capacitors across the top and right side to control blocks of track to avoid collisions, a cluster of relays in the center with orange wire to change control rails based on direction, diode tree on the far left to step down voltage from downhill to hold).   Amazing enough it works - three conventional trains, running a giant loop in either direction with block control

I am not declaring victory or saying I won't need more help - just thanks for making this all a little more fun





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