As I learned to my chagrin, there IS a difference between spackle and drywall joint compound.
I am working on scenery on both sides of the Ohio River for my PRR Panhandle 2 layout. On the left (Steubenville, OH), I used spackle to create some of the terrain. It went down nicely over styrofoam, shaped easily, and took paint and ground foam well. It hasn't cracked or lifted up and looks pretty good.
But I couldn't leave well enough alone, could I? No. For the scenery on the right side (Weirton, WV), I decided to try drywall joint compound. The results were less than stellar - after 2 days it was still wet, had cracked badly, and flaked off easily.
The two are similar and even have the same main ingredient, crystalline silica. But the formulations are different and for our purposes as model railroaders, the spackle is superior.
So, forewarned is forearmed.
Be well,
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