An annual thread on the OGR forum. A.K.A "when are you going to put away your junk from under the tree". Or, when do you take down your train display for the season?
Apparently "are you going to be running trains around the tree for our granddaughter" does not constitute an explicit agreement regarding trains around the tree. It further does not lift the 2009 ban regarding the running of trains in habitable areas of the house. Two points to consider. Not everyone grew up with or associate trains with Christmas trees. And second, there was that 2009 incident involving a MTH Premier steamer belching coal scented smoke (hey, I like coal).
And now without any further a-do....
Before... track run and wired. Plans were for Polar Express freight on the inner and Polar Express Passenger on the outer....
For once I am first at something! WOO HOO! Trains all put away 12/19/15 ~ 9:00 AM before making the lap.
Maybe next year.....