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Roo posted:
Auctions like this are to confusing for me it's really for you blokes, of course if you live overseas and don't have a financial problem and not worried about expensive shipping costs bid as much as you like.

I'm confident that a couple of things I like at the auction will eventually come up elsewhere with the shipping costs to West Australia clearly stated, then I might make a move. You have to be patient if your an O scaler overseas and wait your turn. Roo.


No doubt about it that folks like You and Max are at a distinct disadvantage having  to pay for shipping charges halfway around the world! They can eat you alive just from East coast to West coast or vice versa here in the states.

I am guessing the best bet for you would be one of the dealers or the BIG internet auction, where stuff can slip by unnoticed sometimes

Then there is the concern of  shipping damage or loss, most of which is due to inadequate packing.

Another caveat for me is trying to determine accurate condition from photos.




The thing is for "ordinary" people, (I was going to say peasant, bit harsh!) like myself, you have to be sure of the shipping costs that's why I like that other place the shipping costs for Australia are written right in front of you if you don't like them don't bid. I just bought seven hoppers and the shipping costs to West Australia were $45 that is good, not good for one hopper, but good for seven and the Steel mill.

I once sent a parcel to America not that long ago FedEx wanted $496..... Aust Post $123 of course I went for Aust Post and it arrived safely if you want to send a real expensive item worth thousands of course you would pay the equivalent in shipping and register and insure it,  but for my plastic fantastic's that I buy I look for cheap shipping takes longer but who cares not me, I get what I want, no complaints, I'm enjoying myself. Roo.

Roo posted:


The thing is for "ordinary" people, (I was going to say peasant, bit harsh!) like myself, you have to be sure of the shipping costs that's why I like that other place the shipping costs for Australia are written right in front of you if you don't like them don't bid. I just bought seven hoppers and the shipping costs to West Australia were $45 that is good, not good for one hopper, but good for seven and the Steel mill.      I'm enjoying myself. Roo.


If ever there be a peasant, it is I. I am always careful with shipping, as it adds up very quickly! Considering the size of the box needed to ship 7 hoppers, you did extremely well! As long as you are enjoying yourself, you have won the game! Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks!


I bid on a bunch, but only won two lots:  PSC drop bottom gon and a o/b single door.    Pricing for the Pac Limited models was firm; the single Protocraft RI 1937 modified car for $375+ premium???  Yikes!      Its a great model, but wow...


The passenger cars and some diesels were cheap, then I watched some stuff go for a price that shocked.    Someone got a steal: the lot of San Juan o/b GN cars and the CN versions---  built up and ready for paint.


BradA posted:

I bid on a bunch, but only won two lots:  PSC drop bottom gon and a o/b single door.    Pricing for the Pac Limited models was firm; the single Protocraft RI 1937 modified car for $375+ premium???  Yikes!      Its a great model, but wow...


The passenger cars and some diesels were cheap, then I watched some stuff go for a price that shocked.    Someone got a steal: the lot of San Juan o/b GN cars and the CN versions---  built up and ready for paint.


Being blessed with having almost all I need for my humble coal patch railroad I didn't partake in this iteration of the auction. 

My wallet is working on bulking up for things to come. 

Simon Winter posted:
Rule292 posted:

Let the fun begin - auction #3 is up with all of the Fischer cars. 

I guess this will prove that O scale brass ain't dead yet. 

I would have thought you might have said:

I guess this will prove that O scale Strathmore board ain't dead yet. 


I should have - that might have gotten a bigger rise out of the fellas here.

Bidding seems to be starting... Would almost be nice to go and see the show in person.

mwb posted:
Rule292 posted:
Would almost be nice to go and see the show in person.

Almost, indeed. I have to reorganize my sock drawer that day and so will miss it.

You're keeping your trains in your sock drawer? 

I've no room for passenger operation but seeing a collection of Fischer cars would make it worthwhile for  me.   Old fashioned craftsmanship by a true artist.

Rule292 posted:
mwb posted:
Rule292 posted:
Would almost be nice to go and see the show in person.

Almost, indeed. I have to reorganize my sock drawer that day and so will miss it.

You're keeping your trains in your sock drawer? 

Pretty sure you are drawing an inaccurate conclusion there - just socks....that need to be aligned to magnetic North.

I've no room for passenger operation but seeing a collection of Fischer cars would make it worthwhile for  me.   Old fashioned craftsmanship by a true artist.

Then by all means go if it is indeed worthwhile to you.

Some day I will get around to building passenger cars............ I can see them now in the queue and I may get to them this decade. 

Certainly no deals for the casual collector.  If you saw a desirable item you just had to have then you were going to pay a big premium for it.  Even if you wanted anything else with less demand it would not sell below a certain point I believe due to certain parties simply picking up inventory. I passed on several GGD and 3rd Rail passenger cars.

Another nice collection and collector gone. In all sincerety I hope the estate did well. Sounds like one last group to come.

Stout does a nice job.  I was happy with my experience on Seacrest I.

Last edited by WITZ 41

I was glad to see many things receiving good bidding.  It means there is still a decent market for high end O Scale.  I could certainly see why many things I've been looking for never showed up over the past 10 years or so.  I guess he cornered the market in PRB Pine sleepers.  At last count I think 13 have shown up in the 3 auctions.

I wonder what was so special with a brass Milwaukee L3 Mikado that didn't look to special to me but went for $2400, more than 3 times the max estimate.

I too was surprised at the strength of bids. The Pecos and PL brass went at current market prices, and the PL flat cars even seemed a little above market.

The few items that seemed "reasonable" were the bunch of Fisher NYC baggage cars at around 200 each, and if its as good in person as it looks on line, whoever got the Fisher Southern 10 car Heavyweight set for 1800 did really well (I just couldn't bid it up without seeing it in person).

I must say that I was delighted with my single auction win, a bunch of Weaver coal hoppers. I couldn't tell from the photos that they already had Kadee couplers and replacement Intermountain wheel sets. Factoring that into the equation, I actually paid less than $10/car body after subtracting the current cost of replacement metal IM wheels and couplers.

Last edited by riogrande491

I'm fed up with ebay and auctions. Nonetheless, I popped a couple of bids for the Seacrest auction.  The items in which I had interest, a gondola mounted snowplow, went for $350 and a a Santa Fe fish belly baggage car, painted in CB&Q MOW orange, went for $225.  I was aced out - will watch for these pieces to show up (perhaps) on the secondary market. Auctions remain irritating !

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