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One of my Lionel PH 180 bricks has a blown light on the on/off switch.  Is there an easy fix?  I took it apart, but it looks like the light is built into the on/off switch.  I assume that switch snaps into the shell. Is there an easy fix?  Should I just ignore it?  It seems to work otherwise.



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If it were me, I would probably just leave it alone, as a light on a power switch, on a brick that is probably out of sight anyway isn't going to bother me.  

That said, it might be worth trying to give Lionel a call, they might just have the part, or could give you a part number for an exact replacement.  If that fails, I think you'll have to remove the switch and take some measurements, then locate a similar switch from one of the electronics suppliers.  I doubt Lionel used some odd-ball size, so it's probably not going to be too hard to find something that will work.  mostly just need to find one that fits in the same hole, and has equal, or better voltage/current ratings.  


Edit:  Looks Like CJack has the fix outlined pretty well in the other thread.  

Last edited by JohnGaltLine

If you want a pilot light for your power brick it's easier to hook up a generic lamp to one of the outputs. I've done this with some train transformers and just have the light sticking up from the back on stiff wires. Some of those light-in-switch units are not serviceable if the lamp fails, except to replace the entire switch.

Last edited by Ace

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