hello guys and gals..............
I hope someone in this forums can really help me out , I think messed up my trouble free Z4000 few days ago because both throttle handles is dragging lot ( quite bit of effort ) to move the handles so I use the screw driver in the bottom of the transformer (throttle handle adjustment screw) and I loosen up the screw to lighten or lessen the throttle handle drag but no luck ( even took both screws out, still dragging) which I tried to live with it but can't so decided to do something about it. I took the top part of the transformer housing off and loosen the "little round metal housing with 3 wires on the bottom and short shaft at one end with the white small gear on it" to take the handle off to remove the rubber boot with the spring on it from the bottom of the handle ( red light side) now its nice and freely to turn the throttle, the (green light side throttle is freely too and is fine thus no problem) . I put everything back together and I probably overtighten the nut of that little round thing ( shaft end) and everything worked fine for few days until last night , it when up to 16 volts with the handle in "off" position so I took the housing once more time to loosen the nut just a little bit and seem to work ok for now then acting up again. This is MY FAULT and I wish to purchase a new part and put it in myself ( I learned hard lesson to not over tighten the nut) I do not want to pay 50 dollars to ship it back to MTH as this transformer is 5 years old so the warrenty is out. I don't know the name of the part but looks straight forward in replacing it, this part has 3 wires on it about 12 inches long and has white plug at the end that plugs in the diginal displayed numbers board with shaft end with small white gear at the end of the shaft. I am PRETTY UNHAPPY about it and once it fix , I wont ever mess with it again !!! Its the only transformer I have to run my trains with. The Z4000 uses 2 of those little round things and the green light side (right throttle handle is good), I messed up the red light side ( left throttle handle). Please help..............
SIGH, Tiffany