Never in the wildest dreams, nightmares, of the dedicated officer of Munoz did he ever expect to see a GG-1 painted so . . . um, red and green. He FAINTED.
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Never in the wildest dreams, nightmares, of the dedicated officer of Munoz did he ever expect to see a GG-1 painted so . . . um, red and green. He FAINTED.
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In which direction did he feint, left or right? LOL
play trains posted:In which direction did he feint, left or right? LOL
Straight down, near as I can tell!
I know if I saw a GG-1 desecrated in that fashion, I would feint too
The word is “faint” not “feint.”
OGR Webmaster posted:The word is “faint” not “feint.”
Playing football in High School, as a wide receiver, my best move was a feint to the inside and then break sharply to the sideline.
maybe he had the vapors and needed to lay down for a while
Arthur posted:OGR Webmaster posted:The word is “faint” not “feint.”
Playing football in High School, as a wide receiver, my best move was a feint to the inside and then break sharply to the sideline.
True story- we responded to a "pedestrian vs car" accident. When I arrived in the squad the person in the car said
"They was drivin' along, and he DFO'd".
(me) - "DFO'd"?
(Them) - "Dun Fell Out"
Obviously, I used a lot of quotation marks on that report...
Soory, couldn't resist! Old Language Arts teachers never die, we just go into a comma! LOL
I'm guessing he actually feigned fainting in order to avoid an incoming feint.
mike.caruso posted:I'm guessing he actually feigned fainting in order to avoid an incoming feint.
Had to delete a very inappropriate post....please either keep on topic or the thread will close...
Elliot, that red and green GG1 is right up there with the one painted up in Lightning Stripes!
coach joe posted:Elliot, that red and green GG1 is right up there with the one painted up in Lightning Stripes!
As much as I like the lightning strip paint scheme, it just doesn't belong on a GG-1. Personally, I find the fantasy scheme someone worked up with the warbonnet scheme (which I LOVE on any E or F) and the actual bicentennial scheme to be absolute HERESY!!!
Apples55 posted:As much as I like the lightning strip paint scheme, it just doesn't belong on a GG-1. Personally, I find the fantasy scheme someone worked up with the warbonnet scheme (which I LOVE on any E or F) and the actual bicentennial scheme to be absolute HERESY!!!
I still wanna do a UP GG-1 one of these days...
Love the Christmas GG-1.
Looks great and keeps the Holiday alive all year long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Webmaster . . . . I am completed embarrassed to be caught misspelling a key word. I might faint !!
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:Apples55 posted:As much as I like the lightning strip paint scheme, it just doesn't belong on a GG-1. Personally, I find the fantasy scheme someone worked up with the warbonnet scheme (which I LOVE on any E or F) and the actual bicentennial scheme to be absolute HERESY!!!
I still wanna do a UP GG-1 one of these days...
Why am I not surprised... a 2-C+C-2 banana!!! You'd probably have Gi-raff ossicones for pantographs.
I forgot to add your razorback blue version to my list of heresies.
Apples55 posted:Why am I not surprised... a 2-C+C-2 banana!!! You'd probably have Gi-raff ossicones for pantographs.
Back in the day, UP did seriously consider electrifying between Chicago and the Left Coast. If they had, odds are they woulda built Gs or something like 'em.
I forgot to add your razorback blue version to my list of heresies.
Razorback Red?
Or gi-raffe blue?
Wow, I must say Mitch your decal work is pretty good.
RDGCO.Productions posted:Wow, I must say Mitch your decal work is pretty good.
Thankee! Believe it or not, it's all done with stickers. In the Razorback Traction case, vinyl stickers from Walleyworld; in the Giraffe Express case, laser printing on Avery label paper.
Scrapiron Scher posted:
Sorry to be the killjoy, is this a custom paint job or production? If it is production, who made it and what is the model number?
p51 posted:RSJB18 posted:maybe he had the vapors and needed to lay down for a while
This cracks me up as that word is used in the wrong context all the time.
"The vapors" from the 19th century refers to people passing gas. It has nothing to do with swooning.
Down south here in Georgia we call hyperventilating "The Vapors".
We call passing gas "Crop Dusting".
Looks like that policeman could've had the vapors or he could've been crop dusted by his partner.
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:RDGCO.Productions posted:Wow, I must say Mitch your decal work is pretty good.
Thankee! Believe it or not, it's all done with stickers. In the Razorback Traction case, vinyl stickers from Walleyworld; in the Giraffe Express case, laser printing on Avery label paper.
Cool, I'll have to learn how to do that for the future.
M. Mitchell Marmel postedRazorback Red?
Or gi-raffe blue?
Equally offensive, Mitch. Remind me to never let you near my GG-1's
I bet you like salad pizza too
Apples55 posted:Equally offensive, Mitch. Remind me to never let you near my GG-1's
I bet you like salad pizza too
Nope. Far as pizzas are concerned, veggies are what food eats. Now pizza bites ON salad, I can dig.
That being said, I'm with George S. in liking the GG1 paint job in the OP. I may go and paint Big Red's trucks green for an Xmasy effect...
RDGCO.Productions posted:Cool, I'll have to learn how to do that for the future.
All you need is a color printer, label paper and a steady hand with the cutting tools...
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:Apples55 posted:Equally offensive, Mitch. Remind me to never let you near my GG-1's
I bet you like salad pizza too
Nope. Far as pizzas are concerned, veggies are what food eats. Now pizza bites ON salad, I can dig.
That being said, I'm with George S. in liking the GG1 paint job in the OP. I may go and paint Big Red's trucks green for an Xmasy effect...
RDGCO.Productions posted:Cool, I'll have to learn how to do that for the future.
All you need is a color printer, label paper and a steady hand with the cutting tools...
Ok, thank you! Now, how do I make funny memes about cats sitting on a couch Mitch? *wink wink*
RDGCO.Productions posted:Ok, thank you! Now, how do I make funny memes about cats sitting on a couch Mitch? *wink wink*
Oh, that's easy! Just draw the art once, and come up with weekly snarky remarks for nine years!
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:RDGCO.Productions posted:Ok, thank you! Now, how do I make funny memes about cats sitting on a couch Mitch? *wink wink*
Oh, that's easy! Just draw the art once, and come up with weekly snarky remarks for nine years!
And here I thought the nightmare was going to be about the patrol car which appears to be stuck in the snow. THAT is also a nightmare. How do I know? I've done it!
Are we sure he not just a fiend feigning?
You might get vapors from a diesel, but that's electric
George S,
That is an MTH GG-1 with an incredibly artistic interpretation of Christmas. I bought it on the auction site. Completely airbrushed, garland, white pantographs, glitter on the top, icicles coming down the sides, Holiday decals and Santa is running the loco !!
Scrapiron Scher posted:George S,
That is an MTH GG-1 with an incredibly artistic interpretation of Christmas. I bought it on the auction site. Completely airbrushed, garland, white pantographs, glitter on the top, icicles coming down the sides, Holiday decals and Santa is running the loco !!
I think it's beautiful.
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