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I looked at a detailed pic of the Bank of Cairo and it's a doozy. It has a little of everything; fancy brick work, stucco, curved top windows, dentil details, fancy caps, strange front door opening. Could be a pretty advanced project for the stout of heart.


With SketchUp, you can import that picture into the program and create a detailed 3D drawing with correct dimensioning as long as you can guess one dimension. I've saved the image and may try and draw it.



I am the webmaster for the WVNC Rails web site that contains the feature about the Bank of Cairo.


I do have the blueprints/schematics for this structure but I cannot post them here or on the web site because they are copyrighted. However, I can scan and send them to you individually or if you wish, send them to one of you and that person can share with all that are interested.


Please contact me here if interested with an email address:


Will be able to send them sometime this week.


Hope this helps,


Dan Robie


Last edited by WVNC Rails
Originally Posted by Trainman2001:

Dan, I read with interest a lot of the material on your WV-NC website. Good stuff! I also gave you my eMail address for copies of the Skinny Building drawings.



Thank you for the kind words...they are most appreciated.


Several members contacted me about the drawings and I'll send those out to all that requested them within a day or two.


Would love to see pictures of the models when they are done.



Last edited by WVNC Rails

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