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Was just checking the MTH/LCT shipping information for a few items that I’ve had on preorder from last year’s catalog.  Here are a few I’ll mention. I’m sure there are others that have been updated or changed.


256 Electric Loco – now showing April 2012.


710 Passenger Cars – have slipped (yet again). Now showing June 2012. This includes the 3-cars sets as well as add-on cars.


436 Power Station – Cancelled.  Surprised on this one. Not enough preorders?

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Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

 It's always a somewhat pleasant surprise when something ordered in the distant past does finally arrive. 

That's definitely the way to approach this.  Makes it like Christmas.  Sort of.  I had something scheduled for February that is now showing June, so that one's out of sight out of mind for a while.  A couple things still showing April, they were ordered a ..long.. time ago, this could be an exciting month. Could be.

That's for sure. I agree with both of you in that I ordered these so long ago (January 2011?) that it will be a nice surprise when they finally show.


And the bonus for me with the delay is that the 710 set which will run behind the 256 is now scheduled to arrive after the loco rather than the other way around.  Will give me time to put it through its paces while I'm waiting on the passenger cars. 


Originally Posted by Frank (NYC):

I ordered the Blue Comet (#11-1017-0) and according to the MTH site, it is going to ship this month.


Can I really count on that?

Maybe...maybe not.  I don't mean to be flippant about it, but those shipping dates are really not something you can depend on most of the time.  Best to just continue to be patient and look forward to the item's arrival.  That's pretty much what I do these days and some items I have ordered are w-a-y past due.  


With the exception of tinplate, I don't pre-order much because I've learned that one might just as well just wait for the item to actually appear, if, indeed, it does actually appear. It's by no means an ideal way to enjoy the hobby (or to plan a hobby budget), but it is what we apparently have to live with these days.

Originally Posted by Frank (NYC):

It seems everything I want is unavailable.

i hear you.   but, could be that's what makes it so interesting and enjoyable.  much more satisfying than instant gratification?  try collecting something like prewar 1 gauge ives!    there's an inner alchemy to transforming frustration into excitement.   haven't mastered it yet, but working on it.


"To be fair, MTH has EXCELLENT PAINT...the Showroom Cars are an exception I believe.  Anyone think otherwise???"


I agree with you, Ron!  We have a sample of two sets right now, mine and Art's.  We don't know how many were made or what percentage of issues there were.  My guess is a very small percentage.


The paint on all of my other MTH Tinplate is perfect.

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