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I am at a point now where I should go to super TIU.  First question.... the majority of my switch tracks work through three AIU's (tortice machines) how are they effected ?   Second  question.......... I run my lionel locomotives through the TIU and MTH handheld's (TMCC). do I have to wire another TMCC unit into the added on TIU?



Last edited by clem k
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@clem k posted:

I am at a point now where I should go to super TIU.

First question.... the majority of my switch tracks work through three AIU's (tortice machines) how are they effected ?

They are not affected- because they are only connected to ONE TIU right and daisy chained.

In order to remove these restrictions DCS includes a feature called Super TIU mode that ignores the entire PS2 engine/TIU association issue, allowing PS2 engines to operate anywhere on the layout. In effect, it makes the layout look as if there is one master TIU controlling DCS over the entire layout rather than several individual TIUs.

More about how engines work on different TIUs and TIU channels matter than AIUs.

Time to get and read the book when doing this advanced level of layout

Clem, the only thing you have to watch for is when you add a TMCC or Legacy engine to the DCS handheld when running in Super Mode. At some point entering the info. . It will ask you the number of the TIU you want to add it to. Enter the TIU number that the base is attached to with the cable. Because I’m old. I put large peel and stick numbers on each TIU case to identify them.

Good morning......Well im still working on going super mode, up untill now good,  I reset the orginal TIU address from number 1 to number 2 I have several remotes I changed them over no problem, the last two remotes will not change TIU address. The first three remotes changed without problem.  Any ideas here ?


@clem k posted:

Good morning......Well im still working on going super mode, up untill now good,  I reset the orginal TIU address from number 1 to number 2 I have several remotes I changed them over no problem, the last two remotes will not change TIU address. The first three remotes changed without problem.  Any ideas here ?


Is #2 taken in those remotes? (doesn't appear in choices)

(delete #2 and then add)


Are you saying it's there but won't change?

try tethering?

dumb question:

is the software the same in every remote?


wait for the pros to post.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe
@clem k posted:

Good morning......Well im still working on going super mode, up untill now good,  I reset the orginal TIU address from number 1 to number 2 I have several remotes I changed them over no problem, the last two remotes will not change TIU address. The first three remotes changed without problem.  Any ideas here ?


Try doing a remote reset and then work in on the configuration.  I'm confused with the changing address, wouldn't you just be adding the additional TIU's to each remote for super-TIU mode?


To go super mode the first TIU address as to be changed from 1 to 2. Then all the remotes have to be TIU change from 1 to 2. I did that on three remotes  but did not work on the other two remotes Screen shows TIU address error.

Joe........  all at 6.10

I even tried changing remote address  but that didn't do anything. The last two remotes are my newest ones and don't have 10% of the stuff on them as my other four. Maybe thats the problem there are no AIU's associated with thes two remotes ?

Joe.... I found that information in the MTH manual....When you first power up your TIU which was years ago The system automatically assigns it as number 1. So if you add another TIU to go super mode it assigns that one as number 1. And anything programed  in the oringinal TIU is erased. That means you have renter all your locomotives, lashups, accesories, and switches.   

OK I finally got all the remotes to change TIU from #1 to #2.   John I did do a remote reset on the two remotes that where the newest, I could do these because they only had a couple of locomotives in them with no switches with custom address's.   I just kept trying the procedure over and over, 

Joe.... I did try tether it didn't help

Now to put the second TIU in :/

On the last remote when adding a locomotive, I kept getting Message     MTC     MTC    MTC      MTC.

Thanks everyone


Last edited by clem k
@clem k posted:

I am at a point now where I should go to super TIU.  First question.... the majority of my switch tracks work through three AIU's (tortice machines) how are they effected ?   Second  question.......... I run my lionel locomotives through the TIU and MTH handheld's (TMCC). do I have to wire another TMCC unit into the added on TIU?



Hi Clem.

To your first point, your AIU and switch machines won't be negatively impacted by going to Super TIU mode. When the READ button is pressed it will find the AIU's connected to EACH TIU and will find them just fine.

To you second question, your TMCC engines won't be affected as one of your TIU's is controlling the command base and your remote is talking to all of them.

We have been running multiple TIU's at AGHR for over two decades and it has been fine. Over the years we learned a few things that seem to work. Hopefully, someone from NJ Hi-Railers will also chime in.

By the way, the "MTC" issue is related to adding an engine where the communication link is weak. I've added a note on adding engines below.

Adding a new TIU:

  1. Power OFF the first TIU.
  2. Power On the second (new) TIU.
  3. Change the address of the new TIU from "1" to "2". It will think that TIU "1" is no longer there after this step.
  4. Add TIU "1" to your remote.
  5. READ the TIU's. TIU's "1" and "2" should be read and it will show the AIU's associated with each TIU.
  6. Enter "TIU" Setup and "Super TIU". Select each TIU and set them to "Super TIU" mode. This actually tells the REMOTE to talk to all of them at once.
  7. Run your trains.
  8. When each TIU is powered up, the LED will light up, then blink a number of times indicating its address (1-5). On occasion, a TIU may reset its address back to "1". In this case, you'll need to do the following to fix it (we'll assume TIU "2" reset itself):
    • Turn off the real TIU "1"
    • Turn on the TIU that dropped it's address.
    • Delete TIU "2" from your remote. Don't worry about the warning about locomotives since they're usually added under TIU "1".
    • Change the address on the fake TIU "1" and change it back to TIU "2"
    • Re-add TIU "1" and them make sure to set all the TIU's to Super TIU Mode.

Adding Engines:

  1. Use TIU "1" for adding engines. This should be tethered (telephone handset cord) to the remote to turn off the remote's radio and force it to talk ONLY to TIU "1". At AGHR, we went to the extreme and put an old TIU on a setup track, removed its RF board so it could only use a tether and added engines that way, but we're in a different situation.
  2. Keep other DCS-controlled engines off the track (preferred) or on tracks where the power can be switched off.
  3. Remember that each engine you add is applied to the remote, not the TIU. So Remote #2 will not necessarily have the same engine list as Remote #1. If you have the DCS Loader software (you should get it if you don't), you can backup/clone remotes as necessary (works well if you have a lot of engines in the remote).

Hope this helps.

Last edited by AGHRMatt

Well I'm back 

I got it working in super mode and I didn't loose any of my locomotives, MU's or switches. I did not hook up the second TIU (now #1) to track yet. I have to cut the track to seperate the yard from main. I also did not use a small transformer to power the added TIU.  Should I be renumbering my 6 remotes for better operation?

Thank you everyone    and Matt its nice to hear from you I still think about that tour of AGHR club layout.


Joe....... I understand what you are saying. When you add a TIU is when you have to change the TIU number, then you can place it in Super.

When adding a TIU it is always added as #1 so you have to change the current TIU to another number other than 1.     I changed mine to #2, I added another TIU and it came up as #1 and all the stuff associated with the original #1 Loco's, lashups, switch's where still there in the now #2. if i did not do it that way I would have to re enter all 35 loco's, lashups, and all 30 switch's and all the switch's have a number and a name. Thats a lot of stuff to enter.

Clem :/

Good evening All.

Seems to be working ok when using a single power unit, but trying a MU is a disaster  Lashups don't keep all their settings, don't all startup, change settings when in use, most the time don't start, sometimes i cant stop train  even though speedometer says Zero. Wont keep the address assigned, Different MU starts, Other than a single engine per remote complete mess.   even when using the ALL feature instead of MU things don't work right.  Loco's go crazy, I get the chipmunk talk, crash sounds, crossing  sounds and other weird sounds.  Feature and Factory reset will not clear it. Only a conventional reset works and then sometimes I have to do it again on intial  power up. 

4 Lionel 180  bricks

1 Lionel 130 brick or MTH Z1000

4 channels  on TIU #2 original #1

1 channel on TIU#1  (added TIU)

5  remotes all cloned

I'm doing something wrong but don't know what it is.



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