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I recently cleaned the MTH Realtrax loops (2 loops one loop elevated and 1 loop non elevated) on my layout and when trying to add MTH PS3 locomotives the reading I get on my WiFi app on my Samsung phone is "nothing to add" Same message with the remote control. I am able to add PS2 locomotives and Lionel locomotives (albeit with Cab 1 remote) but still not PS3. I have reset the WiFi unit, the TIU, and the remote control with no luck. I have made no other changes to the track or controls just track cleaning. I have both loops running on 1 MTH Z4000 and previously could only add the elevated loop by connecting to the app or remote control on the lower loop and then running (without any issues) on the upper loop. (I hope this makes sense). Any suggestions?

Last edited by strate8
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Seems like a not to complicated layout if your just running 2 loops. With a working PS2 engine. If you do a track signal test. What are you getting for a number ?  
Are your 2 loops using 1 or 2 channels on the TIU ?

My own experience. I have a large layout running in Super Mode. I just place an engine on the layout pretty much anywhere. Nothings removed. Engines are always able to add. At least with the remote. I have the Wifi but really don’t use it. Bought it to try but really prefer the remote. Many times though I do get the message No Engines to Add. Seems to occur more with Proto 3’s. Rather than abort the process. I often times just let the process keep going and usually get the Engine Found on the screen.

Last edited by Dave_C

Super Mode is using multiple TIU’s on the same layout.

Are you using an auxiliary power  supply to power your TIU ? I’m guessing your using the 2 fixed outputs on the TIU to feed your 2 loops. Just make sure you have power going into fixed one if your not using an auxiliary power supply. The TIU needs power into fixed one or the auxiliary supply in order to power up and work.  Try adding the problem engine on the fixed one loop with the fixed 2 unplugged. Remove any engines or lighted cars from the loop.

If your track signal test comes up with a good number. Preferably a 10. You should have no issues adding engines.

Are you sure they aren't already in the remote?

If you press read with just one of these on the powered rails and nothing else, does another engine pop up?

If so, press start up and see if the engine starts. If it does, you have some housekeeping to do with your engine list. You aren't adding engines correctly keeping them straight.

If not, test the engine to see if it runs correctly without the DCS signal.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

Okay, I tried disconnecting the 2nd loop running through the TIU and just operating the load sequence separately on the PS3 locomotives, I loaded all my PS2 locomotives without any issue and checked track signal which is 10 all the way around the track, I tried loading 4 other PS3 locomotives without any luck and all PS3 locomotives have the switch in the DCS position. All my power from a Z4000 transformer go in to input 1 and the second loop, input 2. I can't believe I am having these issues. I haven't tried a test track yet as I needed to order the cabling from the TIU to the test track, that will be my next step when I get the cables.

@strate8 posted:

Okay, I tried disconnecting the 2nd loop running through the TIU and just operating the load sequence separately on the PS3 locomotives, I loaded all my PS2 locomotives without any issue and checked track signal which is 10 all the way around the track, I tried loading 4 other PS3 locomotives without any luck and all PS3 locomotives have the switch in the DCS position. All my power from a Z4000 transformer go in to input 1 and the second loop, input 2. I can't believe I am having these issues. I haven't tried a test track yet as I needed to order the cabling from the TIU to the test track, that will be my next step when I get the cables.

I always noticed that my REV. G TIU's were a little finiky with my PS3 engines. My REV. G TIU's would never work on the bench as they couldn't read nor upload sound files to a PS3 engine without a ton of errors.  Before upgrading to REV. L units, I sometimes had to add them on a test track which what I do now for any engine being added to my layout (TMCC or DCS).

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