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The guy asked for a jointer not a tablesaw......they are two different tools designed for two different things......sheesh!

I have a floor model 6" powermatic that has a very long out feed table for larger stock. I'm very pleased with it but I think the current models may be over your budget. Jet makes this one that is closer but still more than your budget. They also make a bench top model that may work for your application. I have a jet shaper and dust collector. They make very reliable tools. You also may want to do a Grizzly tool search. Good luck.

I would second checking out Gizzly Tools. I have a small cabinet shop and use several Grizzly tools: jointer, shaper, band saw, ocillating drum sander and dust collection. I am not sure what your building intentions are but I hardly ever use a jointer for cabinet work. I use a very good pro table saw. When I build custom furnature I will then make use of the jointer. For cabinets I use my table saw and shaper for most everything.

Interesting note.  One of those tools that would see a lot of uses in a commercial cabinet fabrication shop.  For the few edges I needed adjusted, I had the material supplier do it free of charge. I was thinking on a very cold day in January that a good compound miter saw might get some use.   On a day by day basis,  a cheap Craftman ban saw (9") and a table top belt/disk sander gets most of it done.
Most bench work framing was done with a 7 1/2" skill saw. Good carbide tip blade.

This cut was done with a Roto-Zip and the provided circle cut adaptor. Could have been done with a Sawzall or Sabre saw.

9" Band saw.

Bench  Disk/Belt sander.

Most of this trim with the custom OG cut was supplied cut to width. A very good 10" miter saw was used for the cuts, I borrowed it.

Last edited by Mike CT

Thanks for your input! I had not heard of Grizzly before my search started. I was looking at Delta, Rikon and Jet.


For the curious, the jointer will be used to ensure a straight edge on dimensional that is not true, before going to the table saw, also it is a must have when joining several pieces of wood to make a panel. 


When I get my work area setup I will be sure to post pics. The comptroller has given approval for the purchase of a FesTool zero clearance circular saw. The last time I handled full plywood sheets I almost dislocated my shoulder. The saw will be used to cut sheets down prior to getting them to table saw, also since it is portable I can used it inside when it is too cold (like today 10 deg F ) to work in the garage.



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