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OK so I am looking for recommendations on a Track Layout Software that will handle different track from different suppliers. I have a post war Lionel tube track layout in disrepair and want to revive it and or expand it in the coming months/years and I want to do some planning before I jump into this project. I have used earlier versions of the Atlas Track layout software but that limited me to that suppliers track and switch hardware and I would like to have more flexibility in planning and buying track hardware. So any and all recommendations would be welcomed.

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Based on your earlier use of Atlas software, I'm assuming you are using a Windows computer for the planning.  In that case, I highly recommend the free product SCARM which you only have to download and install.  The free version will only let you use and save 100 pieces of track, and if you plan a layout much bigger than that, you can always purchase the full product.

It comes with a large variety of manufacturer's track in multiple scales and gauges without additional charge.  Also, there's a lot of help for learning how to use it.

A slightly more complicated, but also highly flexible and completely free (with multiple track scales and gauges) is XtrakCAD (and I hope I spelled that correctly).  It also has to be downloaded and installed, but the help files are not great.  There is, however, an active user group on

Good luck, and let us see your ideas.


Last edited by PRR1950

There’s AnyRail, RR-Track, SCARM, and the new Atlas package that’s a version of SCARM, but limited to Atlas track. RR-Track is the only one that doesn’t have a trial (free) version. I know SCARM offers a fully functional version limited to 100 tracks. I believe AnyRail offers the same option. It seems more of us use SCARM, so chances are you’ll get more direct help with the software and help fixing any design snaggles. AnyRail might arguably be a little easier to learn, but I’ve only played with it a few times because I already own and use the full versions of both RR-Track and SCARM.

If you're expecting support after the sale, I'd stay away from RR-track. It's a good product, and I have it, but my experience was that the owner of this company is very reluctant to provide any assistance on the phone after the transaction is complete. He finally agreed to help me, but his attitude through the entire process was less than gracious. 


Last edited by BlueComet400

I should have mentioned that my initial version of RR-Track came with the set I bought and had I known about SCARM when I upgraded, I wouldn’t have. There are things I like about RR-Track, but there are still errors in there that have never been fixed and there is zero support whereas the author of SCARM is here on OGR and very responsive.

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