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OK so I want use Gargraves Track and Ross Custom switches in a layout I want to design now I have previously downloaded Xtrack Cad to use as a design tool but I found that the Gargraves track libraries were not up to date and did not have the current sectional track listed in gargraves catalog so it is kind of hard to use that software to design a gargraves and ross layout. So based on recommendations I am looking at SCARM software but I am a little gun shy based on my experience with Xtrack. So I am looking for some input from folks who have used this software in the design of a layout using gargraves and Ross as to what their experience was using the software. 


Jeffery H. Horton

Original Post

A lot of us use SCARM. You can use the trial version up to 100 tracks, so it’s easy to check the libraries and test designs to see how you like it. I don’t know of any complaints about the libraries having errors.

I don’t know how big or complicated your layout will be, but using GarGraves almost certainly means you’ll be cutting straights and probably curves to get what you want. That’s because the shortest straight is over 6” long and there are no 1/4, 1/2 or 1/3 curves like there are with some other brands. Learning to “snip” tracks in SCARM takes a bit of practice, but there are folks here, like me, who will be glad to help, so don’t limit yourself to uncut sectional pieces.

If you find you don’t like SCARM, there’s also AnyRail that has a free trial version. I don’t know how AnyRail handles cutting track. RR-Track probably works the best for custom cutting because it has a tool where you specify length, etc., but it’s also the most expensive package. I have SCARM and RR-Track and have played with AnyRail, but didn’t want to invest in a 3rd package. Ken O-Scale is the expert on AnyRail.

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