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Hi there. I'm totally new to this, but my nephew (7) and I want to build a small (4x8) layout. We would like to be able to run 2 trains and maybe add a trolley later. We'd like to have a couple of spots to have like operating log dumping cars and some of that fun stuff they have on the old Lionel displays and some switches for variety. In spite of how cheap I truly am, I think we’re going to have to go with one of the newer track systems like Fastrack or Realtrax or whatever else is out there as the old Lionel O and O27 gauge is too much for him (and me) to work with. I don’t have the rr-track software, but I did this (very rough) plan in another program based on another plan I found online. It is so disjointed and there are 2 places that don’t close. I keep trying different things, but I think it’s getting worse! I’m wondering if anyone can help me turn this into something doable. I’d welcome any thoughts or suggestions you might have. (I’m sure it goes without saying I’d like to do this in the cheapest way possible!)  Thanks for reading.

Train layout - Clover St


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  • Train layout - Clover St
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Originally Posted by kristinski:

I know it would be much cheaper to go traditional, but after a recent failed attempt with it, I think we're going to have to go with a newer system.


Hi there,


Could you expand on the "failed attempt"? If it was a matter of connecting the track, it can be a pain. I found stretching the track each rail at a time made mating the track easier. If this wasn't the case, let us know so we can help.


Here's your plan using Lionel O with O-31 curves. The line running through the middle of the layout can be the added trolley line.


To save a little money, you might want to sign up for newsletter. Occasionally, they have their SuperSnap track on sale, which is a good alternative.


Last edited by ChessieFan72


   At age 7 your nephue is a little young for the layout you have planned for him.

Having built layouts for over 50 years now, I suggest you purchase one of the Atlas

ready to run trains sets, that has the new Industial White Cloud track, this track goes together fairly easy, so you will be able to work with it and build him a nice oval layout.    Everything you need comes in these train sets, and all your older Lionel cars and engines will run on it also.  At age 7 forget about the switches,

and purchase some extra track for another outside circle for running more than 

one train at a time.  If you want operating track for some of the new cars, that is available also.  Two ovals of track is more than enough for a 7 year old child to have a lot of fun with.  Keep it simple at this age and let him play with the trains,

maybe invest in some new houses and a barn with animals and some people to

play with.   I also suggest you make this a special toy to play with, thru the Christmas season.   When I was a boy up until I was 9 or 10, Santa set the train up

with the Christmas Tree on Christmas eve, the trains stayed up till almost Feb for us to play with.  If you add something new to the train layout each year, it keeps

the boys interest very high.  When he gets a little older half the fun is letting him help build the train layout, we usually started just after Thanksgiving and built the train layout a little at a time until Christmas eve.  This is just what my Dad and Mom

did with our family, start your own family train traditon with your nephue, using your own ideas.   These particular Atlas train sets, usually run about $270.00 today.  You can also just invest in the track, if you have a good transformer, engine and Cars.




Me and my Grandpa running the train at Christmas time, 1949.



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Well, we had a mixture of new and old O27 track and remote switches (it was all O27 though) in the same configuration as the one I'm attaching. We had a heck of a time getting the pieces to go together at all. (I'm embarassingly weak and my nephew is 7!) We finally called in reinforcements who got the track to sort of go together. Then we figured out that lock-on situation. (I have to tell you the extent of my train experience is setting up the loop of Fastrack  and transformer that came with our set.) Having this thing sort of hung together, we sent the train around to test it. The switches sparked and derailed nearly every time. We hadn't hooked up the remote feature of the switches and maybe that was the problem, but I thought they were supposed to operate manually, too, and it seemed crazy to keep going. I would have though I had a bad switch, but all 4 switches did it. I definitely think the layout turns were too tight for our train, but even when just the locomotive was on there and we ran it slowly it did it. I have a copy of the Big Book of Lionel and I think they have a section on how to wire that stuff, but it's clear as mud to me.


  FasTrack is great stuff but you must be strong enough to put it together, and a lot of ladies do not have the strenght in their hands to do it, and your nephue is to young to do it yet.  The Atlas White Cloud track is easier to put together and it looks very similar,  with a transition track it will join the FasTrack you have now, as I said before, at age 7 forget the swithces, let him runs circles or ovals till he gets a little older. 




Thanks ChessieFan, that looks awesome. I have taken that plan a simplified it a bit and came up with something I think will work. I think you were totally right, Dave. I was a little too ambitious with my first plan. I am pretty determined to have a couple switches, though, because I'm going to be playing with this thing too and I'm not 7! I have a couple of questions about them. I know this isn't the right forum but I thought you might take pity on me. We have the Lionel 2-8-4 Berkshire locomotive from the Santa Fe Super Freight. It obviously doesn't have the fancy Command Control of the more expensive models, but I thought I read that you could have a command control track and accessories. Is that true? If so, where could I find out more about that? Thanks again!

Originally Posted by DoubleDAZ:
After you've had some time to run trains, I'd like to hear your take on having only the single reversing loop. Once you reverse a train, the only way to reverse it again is to back through the loop. On paper that seems awkward, but I'm curious to know if it is in actual operation.

I don't think backing to reverse direction is a big deal. Real railroads do it with 'Y' tracks.




Originally Posted by kristinski:

...but I thought I read that you could have a command control track and accessories. Is that true? If so, where could I find out more about that? Thanks again!




Yes, you can use command control with a conventional layout to run conventional trains and accessories. It will be pricey and you've already stated that you are trying to keep costs down. I am not trying to stear you away from command control, just bracing your wallet for the oncoming sticker shock. The first question you need to answer is do you need command control? Make a list of the reasons you need command control and the accessories you want to run with it and reply back to this thread.


Also, send me an email stewartogr(at) There are some things I want to discuss with you about your layout and don't want to hi-jack your thread. 

Originally Posted by glockr:
I don't think backing to reverse direction is a big deal. Real railroads do it with 'Y' tracks.

For sure. I'm just curious how it is on a small layout and how much the tight curves and switch might limit the size of consists that can be backed up smoothly in actual operation.


   Chessie Fan 72 has given you some good advise, DCS or Legacy is not inexpensive,

however they are definitely worth the investment.  I take it you own 027 and O guage Tubular track at this point, from what I have been reading you are having trouble with your older Tubular track.  If this is the case and you are unable to rework your old track I still sugggest the purchase of a starter set, and there are some set that  come with the Lionel Command Control and FasTrack.  Even if you have to ask for help actually building your layout, it's probably the best way to go

both money wise and play wise for you and your nephue.  If you wanted to add a couple of Fastrack Switches, save your money and then expand your layout. 

Also you can sort out the good Tubular O Guage track that you still own, purchase a

FasTrack transition track and use some of your better older Tubular track, with your new FasTrack, the Command Control will still work as long as the old track decent.

My buddy Harry Neil was selling these nice Lionel beginner sets with Command Control at the trains show this weekend for about $280.00 and the sets came with real nice engines and rolling stock.



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