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Aside from Google and individual threads here (Track Plans and Layout Design), is there a consolidated repository for track plans? Perhaps included with a paid OGR digital subscription? I started getting into the hobby five years ago but unfortunate life events put it on the "way in the back" burner. Aside from a flat 4'x8' HO layout as a kid, I've never built a layout. I'm thinking of building a storable Christmas layout (e.g. 4'x6') on plywood and foam with mounted track to learn some basics before graduating to designing and building a spare bedroom layout (approx. 12'x12'). FYI, I'm doing O-gauge have a fair amount of RealTrax and FasTrack and think that 36" radius is fine for the Christmas layout.

Many thanks in advance!

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Other fora also have track-plan repositories.  Try googling "model railroad forum" and look at some of the other "hits."  Some other model railroad websites, run by people who do track-planning and building for a living, also contain numerous ideas.  Maybe just search "model railroad track plans."

Finally, there are many books available to assist you in designing a plan for your available space.  One of my favorites is "Track Planning for Realistic Operation" by John Armstrong.


Last edited by PRR1950

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