I have done 1 layout in the past 10 years I have taken it apart and would like to try another my board is 21' long 4' at 1 end and 12' at the other its not square im looking to find some plans to have 3 trains running at the same time and be able to reverse direction any help is welcomed thanks Roy
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3 concentric circles.
Does your board look like the attachment? 4 feet wide at one end, 21 feet wide on both sides, and 12 feet wide at the bottom end? If not, can you use SCARM to show us your board?
Please show...go for something better than just 3 separate tracks. At a minimum, make it possible for the trains to be able to reach all portions of your layout without having to pick them up.
Please post.
Looks like the 4 ' end is about 4 or 6' long. I would make that part a yard area. Use the other part for the actual running area.
Sorry, I forgot to post the picture file yesterday.
Here it is. Is this what your board looks like?
John C & Roy,
I used SCARM to draw what I think is the train board area from Roy's description. When you convert a SCARM drawing to a jpg file, it creates a "picture" outline. I don't know what the actual room looks like. However, from Roy's picture, my drawing is obviously somewhat "off."
Hi Roy,
Help us with some dimensions and your "givens and druthers".
Right now we have your baseboard and 3 trains running.
Still RealTrax? Power and control? Specific RR or location? Keep elevated line or elevations? Industries? Accessories and place to operate them? and so on. Give us some more information and you'll get some ideas presented to ponder.
Here's a start for the baseboard from the photo and SCARM file attached.
I can email a pic don't know how to put on scarm
Go to the SCARM website. Download the install file. Double-click on the file and it will install. Nothing weird or dangerous about it. Runs on it's own and doesn't tangle itself in your operating system. Oh, Windows only.
Please let us know first dimensions of room and where the doors, windows, unmovable obstructions are.
there are no lbstr. did you see the photo of the layout??
Roy: What is lbstr?
there are no lbstr. did you see the photo of the layout??
Roy: What is lbstr?
there are no lbstr. did you see the photo of the layout??
That would be a typo for obstr uctions to answer your question. It took me a little while, too.
I ment obstructions sent 2 pics did u see them
there are no lbstr. did you see the photo of the layout??
That would be a typo for obstr uctions to answer your question. It took me a little while, too.
Is this it? How are you doing with some givens and druthers? I can start some track work if the platform is the correct size? I ride MC also and have two qualifying rides for IBA membership.
Is this it? How are you doing with some givens and druthers? I can start some track work if the platform is the correct size? I ride MC also and have two qualifying rides for IBA membership.