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I have done 1 layout in the past 10 years I have taken it apart and would like to try another my board is 21' long 4' at 1 end and 12' at the other its not square im looking to find some plans to have 3 trains running at the same time and be able to reverse direction any help is welcomed thanks Roy

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I see the configuration of the board.  Is the rectangle around it the room?  Why is it this odd shape?  For access?  I'm trying to figure it out because you can't reach across 12 feet.
Originally Posted by PRR1950:



Sorry, I forgot to post the picture file yesterday.


Here it is.  Is this what your board looks like?



Roy Hall Board


John C & Roy,


I used SCARM to draw what I think is the train board area from Roy's description.  When you convert a SCARM drawing to a jpg file, it creates a "picture" outline.  I don't know what the actual room looks like.  However, from Roy's picture, my drawing is obviously somewhat "off."



Last edited by PRR1950

Hi Roy,

Help us with some dimensions and your "givens and druthers".

Right now we have your baseboard and 3 trains running.

Still RealTrax? Power and control? Specific RR or location? Keep elevated line or elevations? Industries? Accessories and place to operate them? and  so on. Give us some more information and you'll get some ideas presented to ponder.


Here's a start for the baseboard from the photo and SCARM file attached.


Roy Hall BaseBoard


Moonman:  Just a thought because I know you know how to manipulate the drawing program.  How about two separate yet side-by-side staging/hold yards in the narrow area at the top of the drawing.  Each neithr more than two feet wide--ladders.
Then continuous main line in the wide area with one of the staging/hold yards connecting to one end of a main line and the other staging/hold yards to the opposite end of the main-line?    
Originally Posted by Moonman:


Is this it? How are you doing with some givens and druthers? I can start some track work if the platform is the correct size? I ride MC also and have two qualifying rides for IBA membership.



Roy Hall 2


I have been trying different things I do get a little confused the hole is 20 by 17"  I did elevate a main line from 1 end to the other so ill put a station on each end  on the narrow end I have 1 line on the table going into that area I thought a small town  im trying to learn how to use scarp scarm  whatever I have 2 bikes been to all 48 states leaving in march for key west I hope


Is this it? How are you doing with some givens and druthers? I can start some track work if the platform is the correct size? I ride MC also and have two qualifying rides for IBA membership.



Roy Hall 2



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