My type 1033 Lionel transformer won't shut off but works great other wise . Any tips thx
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I dunno, unplug it? Mine at least has no on-off switch.
Thx , but not exactly what I was looking for .
The standard method for shutting down a postwar Lionel transformer was to unplug it. In fact, you might say this was the preferred NEC method for transformers then. Might even have been required by UL697 then, don't know. --Frank
If you mean the variable output won't go to zero, that's different and might indicate a bent arm or damaged alinement hole in the arm.
Yes that would be more accurate . The seed arm won't go to zero . Posable fix . Would be ?
Thx .
I'm new so bare with as I learn .
Pop the top off and check the contact arm and see if it has any play in it, the square hole may be worn.
I'll try tomorrow , thx .
Youz guys are great .
Mine are always plugged into a power strip. Turn off both, or at least the strip!
I am actually ,planing to do just that. However I do believe I was corrected . The problem is more that the speed controller isn't functioning properly. I pulled the top and it's tight I'm thinking someone bypassed it will check the wiring later today and post my findings .
rattler21 posted:Jeff, It would be interesting to know how many on this forum do not use a power strip. And if not, why not? John
Well, sometimes a power strip interferes with the TMCC/Legacy ground, that's one reason to avoid them for the command base.
I am actually ,planing to do just that. However I do believe I was corrected . The problem is more that the speed controller isn't functioning properly. I pulled the top and it's tight I'm thinking someone bypassed it will check the wiring later today and post my findings .
Fixed it , put new tape over cord wire nuts , blew out dust. And ran center track to a and outer to u speed now works . Thx
Cord wire nuts? None of those in stock 1033 wiring.
Squeegie posted:Fixed it , put new tape over cord wire nuts , blew out dust. And ran center track to a and outer to u speed now works . Thx
On the 1033, you run center track/rail/lockon clip 1 to U and outer track/rail/lockon clip 2 to A, as is the norm on single train postwar transformers.
That's works as well . Done and speed controller working . Someone must if changed the power cord at some point coz it's wirenuted and taped .
Oh the direction switch works better weird that way as well. Thx