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It's a wonderfully interactive piece of ingenuity.  Whether the purpose is to please, or instill some sort of subliminal message, betcha it wins hearts over to the so begins a new train enthusiast.

Been thinking of something similar using postwar operating coal accessories....switch the coal for Skittles or M&M's.  One hopper full and the little darlin's go home in a sugar induced frenzy.

Might have to stick with M&M's, as I think Mitch has patents out on using Skittles



Thanks for the post.  The kids got a kick out of it for sure.

It's funny because since Christmas I've been pondering some way to combine my love (obsession) of food with my love (obsession) of trains and railroad operations.  I don't have much room for rolling stock, so collecting food or beer reefers, corn syrup tankers, and the like is out.  (By contrast, at least food is a consumable.)

Mind you, this pondering is purely for the sake of generating some wacky visual train humor because I'm too busy to do anything else with my carpet layout.  So, I've been thinking along the lines of operating accessories.  I recently posted a photo example where I used my steam train to deliver a gondola of unpopped popcorn to a popcorn popper trackside "accessory".  The popper then filled a second gondola with a load of popped popcorn to toottle around the track/tree.  I could have done a whole unit train, which would have looked great, but as I said, I don't have the space.  

That was staged.  Imagine if it could really be implemented.  Something like a coal car load of coffee beans being delivered to a coffee grinder "accessory" would be similar.  In Rube Goldberg fashion, after grinding, the ground coffee would move to the "furnace" where it would be dumped, water added from the water tower; and eventually, out comes coffee poured into those cool (hot) slag cars. Railroads move raw goods, they deliver them to various locations that process them, and then the railroads move the finished goods further down the line.  Repeat.

Another idea, which is visual rather than operational, is to create a roadside drive-in "motel" office building made out of a small Italian stovetop espresso coffee maker.  Upside down demitasse cups will be modified into O scale bungalows ... the office building could have a smoke generator in it for added fun.  I did a mock up recently with scale figures and cars and it has potential.

The list of food items that can be delivered (dispensed) by model rail is only limited by our imaginations.  How about automating a Pez dispenser?  It could be used in a "brick" factory ...  I remember a forum post here of gondolas with shot glasses as cargo lined up on a home bar ready to be filled and served to guests.  Endless possibilities await! 

Tomlinson Run Railroad


Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR
TomlinsonRunRR posted:

Hey Garrett76, talk about a "treat" -- that was brilliant and laugh out loud funny!  Highlights included the celery log cutter and the gravy train joke.  I loved the precision delivery of the soup bowls as each disconnected from the train.

I'll be forwarding that link to friends, for sure!

You made my evening! :-)


Glad it was well received.  It's a good one

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