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Hi everyone. I'm looking to add some "scenery" to my English Bing/tinplate/clockwork collection (era 1910-30s) Does anyone know if Bing manufactured "trees"? What sort of trees would go along side a metal tunnel? Or an english country station? Any direction would be helpful! (Below are couple examples I've found online. Lead trees or life-like german "baumes") Which one's more appropriate for a toy-like(1920s) English country layout? Thanks everyone!

A) English "Britains" Lead Treejmgfmjng

B) German "alte Baume" treesvava 


Images (2)
  • jmgfmjng
  • vava
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@Don Winslow posted:

Hi Elgaucho!

I'll vote for that first tree for your English tinplate display. I also seem to recall some other semi-scale trees made by an English firm out of a soft plastic material that might be a good fit. Perhaps somebody on the forum knows the name.

Thanks Don! Yes, hoping more people may chime in! I "do" like the Britains lead trees (have only 2) Their flat-ness goes in-line with Bing's flat country stations of that era. 


Last edited by Elgaucho

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