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I attempted to change the sound file in a 20-2619-1 F-3 from freight yards sounds to passenger sounds. I downloaded the sound file from a ps2 30-2776-1.

The down loader program completed to 100% and then I received an error message. Retried and same message. Now the TIU will only add the engine in remote and leave its address blank. The engine will not respond to any DCS commands and in conventional it will only click when power is applied, but also dead.

I tried connecting it directly to the roller and wheel to the TIU, but it will only add as "engine in remote." I tried resetting the engine to feature and factory settings. Nothing. I tried resetting TIU, that didn't work either. This engine has been working perfectly until I messed with the sound files. 

Does anyone have any ideas I can try?






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Yikes! I might delete the engine from the remote.....  I mean  the ID with no name  and  then try the recover engine feature,    . Try adding again even if the recover doesn't recover the engine..

It's not a good thing the loader won't recognize the engine.

Do you have a lot of stuff installed in the remote?  A remote reset will delete everything.

Gregg, Just gave that a try and if I leave the engine (it remains unknown) in the directory and try to recover the engine it says it is recovered, but the remote adds another no name engine and not functions work. I tried deleting the engine then recovery, but the remote says, "No Engine Recovered," and then when I add it back in, which it does, but with no name and no functions working. All other engines are working great on the layout.

Thanks, Blake

 I think that's a good thing if you received the 'engine recovered" message  .  However the recover engine feature just recovers the engines and doesn't automatically add it to the remote.  You still  have to add it . It seems you've  added the engine you're getting the same  old problem   . An ID with no name.  If this engine  has an upgrade kit installed that's normal however if not it's usually a sign of a weak dcs signal or put another way   a poor add.  Find a spot with a good dcs signal,  delete the engine and try adding again.

You could also try the loader again to find out if it recognizes  the recovered engine.

I hope you have a good battery in the engine other wise  a factory or feature reset will not stay with the engine.


When you say that the engine added to the remote but it "no functions working", what exactly doesn't work? Does anything about the engine work under DCS?

Can you select the engine in there remote's engine list and bring it onto the remote's screen? if you can, what happens when you press Startup? Does it make lights and sounds, and does it move?


I can bring it up on the remote screen, but start-up does not work, no sound or lights. The remote only gives it a number and yes I can select it, but nothing works under DCS. In conventional, it clicks when power is applied and nothing works.

It is not an upgraded board, I purchase the engine brand new and I have replaced one FET on the slave board a few weeks ago and its been running great!

I was simply trying to get the sounds to match the engine's passenger cars. Maybe the sound files I tried to load are not compatible. Somehow those sound files did a number on board. Is there a way to reload files that will make it work?

I really don't think it is a signal problem.

Thanks for responding,


If a TIU and Remote can see the engine and load it, I do not see how the loader program and TIU can not at least recognize the engine?  Is it same TIU?  Are you sure Computer recognized TIU?   I would go back and restart from beginning and try to reload the sound file after a Factory reset is done with the remote.  It may also not be using the battery circuit since the engine just reloads each time.  I... not setting an address after power turned off.   G

John, no accidental changes to switches.

G, here are the screens I get when I tried it a second time. The first is after the initial attempt. The second is after a retry and the third, is from the MTH web site showing that both are suppose to be 3 volt boards.

Thanks for the help, again!



Images (3)
  • 20170130_070843
  • 20170130_071109
  • 20170130_071339

What size battery does the engine take? I'm wondering if the board will only accept 1 MB size files.

I think you're making head way   but not much. At least you have a engine to work with. 


Question for the experts .... As the 5 volt board wear out an Upgrade kit is used for repair with the appropriate sound file. (ps-3) ??  Does the MTH web site still have the original 5 volt sound files.? I  have a few 5 volt files burned on CDs, I'm probably never going to  use them , but you never know.

Last edited by Gregg

While I was waiting for a reply as to how I could proceed, I gave it another try and low and behold it started downloading the sound file. I did not touch a wire on any component, nor did I even touch the train on the track. I did not reload the downloader program or the sound file. The only difference is that yesterday it took only 7 minutes to download the program to 100% completion before giving me the error code and killing the engine. This time I notice it was going back and rewriting the sound files at a slower rate (see the picture below) and it took 16 minutes. The lesson - faster is not allows better! Especially when downloading a sound file. I have no idea why this process seems to have a mind of its own. I am glad that is over. Thanks for all the suggestions.



Images (2)
  • 20170130_073442
  • 20170130_074615

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