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I'm curious if this would work, I assume so. I'm thinking the Z Stuff DZ 1075 could activate the MTH operating watchman the same way the ITAD does? I find the Z Stuff more readily available as well as more asthetically pleasing.

I'll post links to the instructions, if someone knows how to upload them directly here I would appreciated it.

I'm guessing the hots and commons of the transformer, DZ1075, and the watchman, all get tied together and the NO NC connections are made accordingly?

See Page 2 here: MTH Operating Watchman     /       DZ 1075

If the DZ 1075 won't work, which Z Stuff detector will? There are numerous choices.

BTW I emailed Dennis  Z .from Z Stuff and haven't heard back. I figured theres certainly someone on this forum who could help.


Last edited by RickO
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Rick, I don't have any experience with the specific products you're considering, but after reading the individual instructions, your suppositions for the connections seem correct to me.  Are you ok with the Z Stuff IRD's 4 second turn off time after the train has passed?  If you wanted a longer cut-off time, a few simple added electrical components could extend this time.

Thanks for your input Steve! 4 seconds is fine.  I think its just the extra connections on the Z stuff sensor that won't be needed that sends my head spinning when looking at the diagram.

Lionels 153 I.R. would work too, wiring is more cut and dry but IMO, the unit is so large. It will be an eyesore on the layout.

After searching about the 153 I.R, it appears the hot and common are tied internally so the premise is the same.

I'm just making sure I don't cook the gateman his first day on the job

Rick, FWIW, the 153 IR can be disguised so it's not so much of an eyesore and is already designed to look like an electrical cabinet, anyway (see bottom of pic).

The Z-stuff site has the instructions on-line for the 1075 which shows a hookup to a Lionel crossing gate, but the connections should be similar for the MTH Gateman - Microsoft Word - DZ1075 instructions.doc (

Another alternative would be Azatrax which has an adjustable timed relay (up to 20 sec's, I believe) controlled by two IR detector LED's which can be sunk into the layout and made almost invisible if that's what you're looking for. I use one to control a FT switch so that 15 seconds after a train goes by the switch changes to the opposite direction.



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  • NEW YARD 1

Thanks Richie! I'm well aware of Azatrax, great product. I use it to operate an MTH crossing signals with bell with trains in 2 directions. Works flawless.

I just want to activate this gateman by one track, the Azatrax seems overkill.

I have existing scenery where I'm installing the sensor. The Z Stuff will be far less obtrusive. Its half the size of the cabinet alone on the Lionel model.


Not sure about the watchman but try below as a starting point. The 1075 is the correct detector to use. You don't want the 1070 - it is only set up to run other Z-Stuff signals. In the end you can always contact Dennis Zander for advice. You may to talk to Dennis anyway - if you are connecting the watchman to track ground / power you certainty want to connect the 1075 to track ground. I'm not sure about the power connection though. The 1075 is supposed to be good to 18 volts but double check with Dennis to see if you can connect to track power.


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Thanks to Steve Richie and Joe for all of your input!

So the DZ 1075 arrived from Nicholas Smith Friday ( a good price on these if anyone's looking)

Hooked up the hot and common between the sensor and the watchman to the transformer. Then connected the normal closed of the sensor to the normally on of the watchman. As well as the normally open and off connections.

Powered it up. Sensor lights up when activated. The watchman shed has lights , but there's no action.

Hmmm...I thought...bum sensor? Is it not capable of operating this for whatever reason??

I double checked the operation by testing it again with the button controls from Mth. Works fine...I'm stumped.

Went back to the directions of the sensor and noticed the blue wire also gets connected to hot as in Joes diagram....duh....

Connected the blue wire and after moving the sensor further down the track two times to get the best timing.

Viola!... video as promised. (The next small project will be blending the base into the scenery.)


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Last edited by RickO

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