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Greetings to all.  I am a new forum member, and have an interest in British 3-rail, including vintage Hornby.  I am trying to troubleshoot operation of a Hornby French BB-8051 three rail locomotive because it will not move, even though the light operates.  Our local Lionel repair person could not get it to budge, and it may have a prior repair.   Our Lionel friend said the brushes are fine.   The loco is probably from the late 50's or early 60's and has a traction tire.   The wheel arrangement is a 2-4-2.    We can't read the stamp of the exact voltage and whether it is AC or DC.  We tried both but nothing is working.  I may try to add a photo later.   Any thoughts on what to try?  It looks like a simple loco.  Thank you all, hope to learn more about the group and forum.   Dave, in Illinois

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David, they run on AC, 24 volts.  Most American 12-16 volt transformers won't do much for it.  Some of the older Lionel transformers (like the type R) had poles that you could use to come up with 24 volts to the track.


- david

Last edited by Former Member

All french HORNBY models, post war, may be run with a DC transformer. Hornby geaves a voltage of 20 Volts maximum.

There is two models of this locomotive, each of them is comon here in Fance.


The first one is the green model, illustrated under, the OBB,made 1954-61. It is intended to run on 20 volts AC but can also accept DC. The reversing lever is located on the side of the pantograph. Three positions, forward neutral and reverse. 







The second model, the TBB made 1957-63  is similar in size and body except it is two ton green but is can be used only with a DC transformer as the motor as a permanent magnet and it reverses directly from the transformer. 






So what is yours ?  Those motors can be easily fixed and the use of a Lionel transformer is perfect to run them. 


Very best,







Images (2)
  • DCP03563
  • IMG_6949

You are welcome Dave.


The main problem with french Hornby DC models is that the permanent magnet tends with time to demagnetised due to a poor quality. Some collectors place new magnets on the original ones but the motors tends to overheat very fast.


The advice that Lew geave to buy an AC bridge rectifier is excellent, no modification to do and you can return the engine to original condition if you want.


If you want to collect Hornby keep in mind that there is only three french post war models that use DC curent so it is a big advantage to use the same transformer for all your trains.



Last edited by FRENCHTRAINS

Merci beaucoup, thank you very much Steve, Lew, and Daniel for mcuh information and help.    I believe we have the DC version as there is no reversing lever and the photo helps identify the Robin's-egg color, at last for a guy like me who is a little blind.    The motor is clean, wheels turn, and brushes are good.  We previously tried AC and DC without getting any turning from the motor.   We are wondering if we or a previous owner demagnetized the motor.   My Lionel repair friend is reluctant to try to open the motor for fear of damaging it, which I can appreciate it.  He mentions tabs that hold it together.  Any thought on next step?   Try to open the motor, send it someone that you might know, etc?   Thank you all for reading and helping.  The Forum demonstrates what a great bunch of hobbyists we have.  Dave

Originally Posted by FRENCHTRAINS:

You are welcome Dave.


The main problem with french Hornby DC models is that the permanent magnet tends with time to demagnetised due to a poor quality. Some collectors place new magnets on the original ones but the motors tends to overheat very fast.


The advice that Lew geave to buy an AC bridge rectifier is excellent, no modification to do and you can return the engine to original condition if you want.


If you want to collect Hornby keep in mind that there is only three french post war models that use DC curent so it is a big advantage to use the same transformer for all your trains.



salut daniel. super tes hornby. mais l'avantage de   AC EST QUE NOUS POUS FAIRE UNE RAQUETTE  cad loop track . sinon j'ignore si avec Dc ( malgré le  DCC OU DCS cad digital us), ON PEUT FAIRE LE LOOP TRACK?

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