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I installed one of Bachmann's latest diesel sound modules into a Lionel 624 switcher that I modified, repainted, re-lettered, converted to LED's, etc., etc..  It works and sounds great.  

The original E-unit works fine (cleaned it w/o disassembly).  It has a bit of AC buzz that can be heard within the TB-II diesel 'roar' sounds.  OK, I know I could do better with the buzz, as per lots of helpful hints on the forum, or switching to a fully electronic device (Dallee).

But that's not my biggest regret.....which is the total interruption of sound during change of direction.

So, my question is....Has anyone added a supplemental battery or BCR circuit to the TB-II sound module hook-up that sustains the sounds through a change of direction??  Is it even possible???  (I know, I know....anything's possible to the pro's....but we're talking the common man, here!)

Appreciate your advice in advance.  

Last edited by dkdkrd
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It may be possible as the TB2 sound board is actually a separate board that plugs into the Direction control board. 

I wonder if a modified version of the YLB from @gunrunnerjohn could make this possible.

I'm not sure if the TB2 had engine sounds, I don't think that mine do, but I haven't run them in a while either. The newer True Blast Plus has engine sounds but I don't own any and haven't had a chance to look at the electronics under the hood for those.

Earlier Williams engines did have a sound system (before Ture Blast 2?) that feature the engine noise. I have one of those and if my memory serves me correct the Direction Control board is separated from the sound board.

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