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Hi i am new here, and want to know if anyone can help me with an issue I have with my TIU. It is version L, had it about 3 years. Went to run the trains lastnight and TUI fixed 1 will not turn on the TIU. I moved all tracks to fixed 2 and powered the TUI in aux in and everything works fine. Fixed 1 keeps blowing the fuse on my MTH power brick. Any fixes? The fuses inside are good, checked that also.

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Sounds like it might need a repair that will require soldering new components on. It could also be a FET or the TVS. Reach out to GGG or Gunrunnerjohn on the forum. Either can fix it for you if it's a component. What rev number TIU is it? Rev G also had a trace that would go bad and not be repairable according to Gunrunnerjohn.


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