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Hello all,

I plan to use tv's to protect my electronics in the newer Lionel engines. I plan to use these at the track lock on locations of my POST WAR ZW A AND D throttle connections in order to get them as close as possible to the electronics in the engines. My question is, should I add the tv's at additional areas of the layout where the newer trains will be running? In ithose additional areas I plan to solder tv's to the inside and outside rail. Is this a good idea? please advise,I'm scared of potentially frying the electronics in the new Lionel engines.


Much thanks, Jerry

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I'd probably stick with the ones right on the lockons, additional ones at the transformer can't hurt, but they'll be somewhat redundant.  While the protection with more of them is going to be a bit better, the point of any shorted failure has been brought up, which is a good point.  You'd have to localize the shorted TVS, which could be a bit tedious if you have a lot of them.




I use a TVS at each track connection as well as at the transformer.  Attached is my power to track diagram that shows how I'm doing my connections; you would attach the TVS to your post war transformer the same way as I did for my TIUs/PowerMasters. The transformer connection is my backup because if you read other topics on this forum concerning TVSs, they have a failure mode where everything still operates normally but they no longer provide any protection (this apparently is a rare type failure).  Because of this, if a TVS at the track fails I want a backup in the circuit. 


I also plan to replace the TVS at the transformer on a regular basis, again because they may have failed without my knowing it.  Not sure what this interval will be; time or after a certain number of shorts.


Overkill?  Maybe, but if I'm going to use TVSs I want some assurance they are working.  Plus I bought lots of them so I may as well use them.


TVS-34A 22uH-final


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  • TVS-34A 22uH-final
Originally Posted by CAPPilot:



I use a TVS at each track connection as well as at the transformer.  Attached is my power to track diagram that shows how I'm doing my connections; you would attach the TVS to your post war transformer the same way as I did for my TIUs/PowerMasters. The transformer connection is my backup because if you read other topics on this forum concerning TVSs, they have a failure mode where everything still operates normally but they no longer provide any protection (this apparently is a rare type failure).  Because of this, if a TVS at the track fails I want a backup in the circuit. 


I also plan to replace the TVS at the transformer on a regular basis, again because they may have failed without my knowing it.  Not sure what this interval will be; time or after a certain number of shorts.


Overkill?  Maybe, but if I'm going to use TVSs I want some assurance they are working.  Plus I bought lots of them so I may as well use them.


TVS-34A 22uH-final

And the PSX ac breakers...very nice. you have set the bar here.

I used TVS on my 3 pw ZWs in this manner before going to PoHo 180s and placing them on T-strips.

Also installed them on T-strips for distribution to multiple railpower connections(soldered). Below: Plate-jumpered to enable 5 screws each for Hot and Common railpower connections soldered to rails in a single power district. TVS is connected like a direct short between the Hot (colored) and Common (white) from the transformer.


On pw ZWs: Connect one on each binding post(s) used for railpower, usually A/U&D/U.IMG_1762IMG_1764


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  • IMG_1762
  • IMG_2072
Last edited by Dewey Trogdon

For completeness:

For power supplies in excess of 18VAC use the 1.5KE36Ca diodes. This includes most Postwar Transformers (don't forget the whistle boosts)

If you only use supplies that are limited to 18 VAC then you could get by with 1.5KE33Ca diodes. This includes most power bricks and such.

Both types can be found on Mouser, DigiKey and similar electronics providers as well as the 'bay.

bmoran4 posted:

For completeness:

For power supplies in excess of 18VAC use the 1.5KE36Ca diodes. This includes most Postwar Transformers (don't forget the whistle boosts)

If you only use supplies that are limited to 18 VAC then you could get by with 1.5KE33Ca diodes. This includes most power bricks and such.

Both types can be found on Mouser, DigiKey and similar electronics providers as well as the 'bay.

Well, 24V RMS is 33.9 volts peak voltage, and the minimum breakdown of the 1.5KE39CA is 37.1 volts, so you're pretty safe.  In addition, if you look at the 1.5KE36Ca you call out, it's minimum breakdown is lower than the one I specify at 34.2V, so you're going the wrong way if you're worried about it having too low a voltage specification.  You may want to revisit your observations.

1.5KE39CA Specification (my choice)

1.5KE36CA Specification (your choice)

I think I'll stick with my recommendation!


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

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