i am connecting my Ucs track and I have 124 wired and the other wire going to a 2 transformer. I have the main zw transformer that has track power and switch power and the other zw 250 for accessories and Ucs track. I ran one ground wire from one of the top connections to the other zw top connection so that should ground both transformer together and the plugs are in the way they should be but when I try to use the Ucs I get nothing the lights on the switches go a little dim when I push any of the buttons. Help again stuck with electronics hell.
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Try powering up your UCS with the #3 terminal wired using the track power to see if it works properly.
Also double check your wiring out of your RCS controller and make sure you didn't twist the wiring at all.
If your wires are reversed, like #1 wire on your #4 terminal and #2 and #3 are reversed as well, it will act as you're describing and won't work.
Ok hooked up direct and it worked so see what I did wrong
Try reversing one of the electrical plugs on one of the transformers and see what happens. The transformers may be out of phase!
Try reversing one of the electrical plugs on one of the transformers and see what happens. The transformers may be out of phase!
No it is phased I think I have a bad Ucs or controller I hooked up three others and they work great so I may just pull this one and buy a new one.