At least I think this is unusual...just picked up some new tubular track from Menards. I put together enough to make a small loop. Just a temporary table top loop. Playing with the wiring a bit...and no matter what I did, I could not and can not get my little American Flyer loco powered. Certain it's human error but not sure why.
I tryed alligator clips transformer to track and nothing.....
Then I tryed something a bit more permanent using copper stranded wire with clips on the ends slipped up into the underside of the track....nothing...
Then I went over to my garage....and grabbed a 3 ft straight section of track that for 20 plus years has been used as a resting place for a few cool train cars....track is rusty, dirty, downright filthy actually and I hooked up my alligator clips and immediately my loco was up and running....
With that in mind, I grabbed a couple pcs of Menards track, and they look perfect already, I wiped the tops off, took a very fine clean brillo pad and scuffed the tops a bit to "clean them"...hooked up my alligator clips and no matter what I do, no power whatsoever...hooked them up the exact same way as my old dirty track...
Can you guys tell me what I'm missing here? I mean, using the Menards track, I don't even get so much as a light flicker. I did get a few sparks off the alligator clip when I wiggled it around to get a better connection. Then for kicks I grabbed a few more old pcs of track from the garage and all that worked immediately with no fooling around...I know this has to be very simple and right in front of me but darned if I can figure it out...