I love this engine and bought it when released new in 2000 (DCS was not even out yet when this was purchased). 2 years ago this engine’s 5v ps board gave up and decided to upgrade it with a ps2 3 volt board. This is not an easy an engine to upgrade as the board is located in the engine along with a lot of wire management due to the running lights.
After the upgrade, the engine seemed to work great except when going down grades (forward or reverse direction), there appeared to be gear thrash where it was jerky and loud with the running gear. I have tried this at various speeds between 3 and 10 smph. This was not an issue with the old 5v board. The video attached doesnt due this issue justice and becomes much worse with a passenger train behind the engine going down the grade . This issue does not exist when on level track or going up a grade, where it easily maintains a consistent speed including on curves.
At the time I was working On this upgrade, i gave up trying to figure out was wrong and now trying to revisit it.
Tonight, i have taken worm gear out and inspected it along with the drive gear, and they look good and seated properly with minimal slop. I had a second set ps2 3v boards and have replaced the top and then the bottom board with no performance improvement. When performing a factory reset, I only hear two chuffs per revolution and wondering if this is correct or if not maybe this is a hint to what is going on.
I think the only avenues left are the sound files. In the past, I tried changing the files with no success, but cannot remember specifically which ones. I would like to revisit this again. Any recommendations on a sound file for the Dreyfus which will light the running lights as well? I seem to remember that all the NYC Hudson sound files lit the running lights.
Any other ideas or experiences with upgrading this engine that might point me to a fix would be appreciated.