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Well, more like - I was weathering the Salt & Batter Restaurant building and either misplaced or accidentally discarded one of the top row windows. Rear windows are different and can't be substituted. Anyone happen to have one of these windows and willing to part with it? Thanks for your help.







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Last edited by PJB
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Peter, I honestly believe the guys are being very friendly & helpful.  Ask your self, "why would anyone have a spare window?" 

There are times when we all must take a creative approach.  I too have the exact same situation.  I am going to put workers on a ladder with saw horses in the side yard.  Think outside the box.

Once you decide on how to work around the situation the rule of Murphy says you will find the lost window.

PJB posted:

Well, more like - I was weathering the Salt & Batter Restaurant building and either misplaced or accidentally discarded one of the top row windows. Rear windows are different and can't be substituted. Anyone happen to have one of these windows and willing to part with it? Thanks for your help.






Maybe a pulley and hoist system loading a piano or large oven keeping with the restaurant theme.

Or maybe a scaffolding scene. Building under repair type of thing. 

Endless possibilities 

PJB posted:
banjoflyer posted:

What missing window? Acme window and door just finished repairs.



Nice!  Problem solved. Now if only it were that easy. 

Well, you could consider the approach of using rubber molds to duplicate one of the existing windows as real-life Photoshopping

If your kit didn't come with any extras, you're basically dependent on someone kitbashing another of these kits into a smaller structure needing fewer windows than the as-designed building (or enlarging it to a degree less than 2x the original). 

If I were in this predicament, I'd opt for the duplicate with mold-and-resin tactic, unless the kit did normally come with extra windows (or the manufacturer keeps extras on hand)  


Last edited by RailRide

These windows aren't of the type that might be found in an "extra floor" expansion that is available for some buildings, is it?  while not a cheap window, it would be cheaper than buying a whole new building just to get a window.

Maybe someone has a building that may have met with a bad end that they are wondering what to do with.  That might be a source.


Dave45681 posted:

These windows aren't of the type that might be found in an "extra floor" expansion that is available for some buildings, is it?  while not a cheap window, it would be cheaper than buying a whole new building just to get a window.

Maybe someone has a building that may have met with a bad end that they are wondering what to do with.  That might be a source.


Someone who's cooking with gas!  

Thanks Dave. Based on other respeonses, was starting to think these things are as rare as unicorns.  Leepong my fingers crossed that someone may have one and willing to sell it.  

greg773 posted:

Did you try contacting the MTH parts dept and getting one from them? Its a common window thats used on many of their buildings.


No - I started this thread to see if someone had one they didn't need.  

I'd rather give the money to a hobbyist.   

If that fails, I will obviously contact MTH.  

rick king posted:

Here ya go! Problem solved!shopping34732_sm-Alumilite, Casting, Mold, Resin


For me, this is extreme overkill - paying probably $35-50 for this stuff just to create a single window. Incidentally, I use Alumilite to make all my rocks and terrain (foam, used with Bragdon molds), and it's great stuff. Having said that, thanks for the rec.  I can certainly think about it if I strike out here and with MTH, as I'm sure once I have it I'll wonder how I ever got along without it and find a million uses for it. 

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