Voltamp ...earliest American manufacturer of electric toy trains to boast production of a 6 wheel drive steam engine ..the #2222 1909/1910 ...
Voltamp built trains as seasonal work for the Christmas trade ...small volume with many changes / improvements annually as they started up production . Here is a Voltamp #2222 circa 1912-13 ...open frame like earlier model ...but improved motor and reverse out front ....Voltamp would improve the #2222 in 1914 adding a heavier cast frame with Voltamp in raised lettering on the bottom.
Here you can compare a #2222 from 1912-13 era to one from 1914-1915 ...
Voltamp offered 3 different sized trains in 3 different price points ..,#2222 one of the largest and most expensive ...shown here pulling 2 of the smallest ( cheapest) passenger cars ..
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Cheers Carey