What voltage are the three LED strips rated for? I am assuming they have current limiting resistor(s) built into the strip, otherwise those LEDS will be short lived.
There are two wall wart types One type is regulated and can be a switcher topology or linear topology. Either way they put out an exact voltage right up to their rated current output.
The second group is actually subdivided into two. One sub group is just a transformer followed by a single diode or maybe a diode bridge, period. The second sub group is the same as first except has one or two capacitors to smooth out the AC rectification ripple. Only way to tell difference is either open up or use an oscilloscope to see lots of, or minimal ripple. Finally the unregulated have an inverse current/voltage relationship. Heavier current lowers the voltage and vice versa.
Leds don't care about ripple, as such, so capacitor no capacitor does not affect LEDs, usually (love these "weasel words").
Hope this helps or maybe confused you more