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LED lighting is great. Used in the right conditions LEDs can outlast bulbs 100:1. The problem is that LED's do not energize at currents much below their stated rating. They are also DC devices and unless multiple LEDS are used the light from them is unidirectional.  Ideally replacing bulbs with LEDS requires a circuit placed before them consisting of a bridge rectifier, filter capacitor (electrolytic)  a voltage regulator and series resistance. For structures where the voltage can be set constant you can  forgo the regulator but in rolling stock the voltage tends to vary over a range.

LED's tend to have illumination qualities that are very bright. If you want a softer glow you can use amber LED's or dab them with amber bulb dye.

You can also simply run the LED's at lower current for lower light levels.  I can crank them down pretty dim with my little lighting module, or I can have sunlight in the cars.  I use warm white LED strips, and I'm testing some yellow ones to see if those looks good in older style cars.  The led strips are much less directional that most individual bulbs, the SMT chips give nice even lighting.  I use constant current regulation for lighting, gives me a wide range of intensity adjustment.

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