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Sometime ago I bought MTH PRR Zoo switch tower. (30-90098)  It has green trim, siding is brown on the top, and the stucco on the lower level although depicted as cream in color shows yellow on my model.  I was a little disappointed in the yellow.  I checked the lighting affects but that is not the issue.  Its just a light (annoying to me) yellow and against the brown and green on the upper level its not appealing.


I want to weather it anyway, so do any of you have ideas on colors I could use on that, especially to kill the yellow.  BTW, Have any of you ever disassembled one of these towers to paint and weather?  Thanks.

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pennsynut posted:

Sometime ago I bought MTH PRR Zoo switch tower. (30-90098)  It has green trim, siding is brown on the top, and the stucco on the lower level although depicted as cream in color shows yellow on my model.  I was a little disappointed in the yellow.  I checked the lighting affects but that is not the issue.  Its just a light (annoying to me) yellow and against the brown and green on the upper level its not appealing.


I want to weather it anyway, so do any of you have ideas on colors I could use on that, especially to kill the yellow.  BTW, Have any of you ever disassembled one of these towers to paint and weather?  Thanks.

If this is like other MTH structures there are screws and snap ins - no glue so it would be fairly easy to disassemble.


If above is a sample of what you have the top mimics wood while the bottom looks like painted concrete.

If you re-paint start with flat or satin colors you like then spray with dullcote. Then take a look and see where you are at. Jason Jenson has a youtube video how to make plastic look like wood plus another video on a plastic kit that is worth watching for ideas especially on weathering.


Good evening ,I had the MTH Pennsylvania Switch Tower or in Pennsy terminology Interlock tower and I weathered it for my winter layout.

To make it look a bit older and covered with cinders from the passing Pennsy steamers I used some watered down craft paint and painted the complete tower.

I removed the interior light and added OGRE LED lights on the inside and above the upper lower entry doors.

Added snow and ice for that winter feel.


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Last edited by MarkStrittmatter

Hello Tom, the icicles came in a package with a few other smaller items for decorating ceramic houses.

I believe the supplier was Dickens Village which was carried by JoAnn Fabrics at the time.

My wife was in JoAnns one day and they had these items reduced and she purchased several sets.

This has been a few years ago and so far  have not seen them in any store since.

I need to start looking again because every house or large building I weather on my layout for winter I always add something to make it look wintery.

Take care !!!!!

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