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First, I was wondering what is the best way to weather the sides of the rails. Second, best method to dirty the ballast to look used or aged. Third, here is a whopper! I travel in Northern NJ by train everyday of the work week, during the winter, the switches are heated to keep the moving parts from freezing and either getting stuck or slow moving. I was wondering if anyone had tried to come up with the addition of LEDs to mimmick the gas flames being used to heat the moving parts of the switch.


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I used several different shades of grey paint on the road bed, dry brushed.  I did it quickly and it could be made much better with some patient work. I will try to post some pix.


Using a rust colored paint pen along the sides of the rails seems to weather them nicely. There are a number of examples of track weathered this way on the site.


Finally, if you look in the current magazine (run 256) in the article about Philip Esposito's layout, he did some nice work with his Fastrack that may give you some ideas. He ran landscape materials up onto the roadbed and used shades of gray and brown to tint his visible roadbed.


No idea about your LED question.

I was going to post something similar.  I plan to use some of those rust colored paint pens to hit the sides of my rails.  As for the center rail I plan to just keep it shiny and pretend it isn't there.  I also will weather my roadbed, not sure how yet but will experiment on some extra track I have.  


I also will run scenery right up to the roadbed, and sometimes right over the roadbed.  I will even burry the ties and roadbed in some parts of my yards and sidings.  I will use some ballest that is as close of match as possible in some spots where I do not want to burry the whole track.  


As for the LED part, since I am modeling the mid 50's I do not plan to do anything like that.

Just an observation based on your post. First, there are articles in both OGR and CTT I think about weathering Fastrack.


Second, I was at The Station Inn train watching and in the middle of the night a N&S pick-up pulled up to the rails outside my window. It was snowing heavily. He lit several road flares. I finally figured out that he was thawing the snow in the switches as you described.


Later, some empty coal cars were parked on that siding.

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