Now those are some beautiful locomotives!
Thank's for this reply -I had no idea Overland was an option. I'll keep my eye out for sure!
Here is a scan of the catalog containing the Overland, SD70M, SD70MAC & SD75M.
While they imported some SD70/75/70MAC, in the 90s, these were the last time, Overland imported these models.
I think they also announced the Alaska Railroad SD70MAC but those were cancelled due to lack of preorders.
I didn't preorder as I was not into O-Scale, at that time, but after calling Overland, about some earlier runs, I was informed of these models, recently being in-stock and ended up buying my first ever O-Scale model.
When I got into O-Scale, in 2006, Overland still had the CSX SD70MAC (with flared radiators) for $2,100 and some of the other SD70 & SD75M.
The Union Pacific, SD70M, were offered in 3 variations, with flared radiators and nose, similar to the modern SD70ACe-T4, and others, without flared radiators.
These are just my opinion,
Naveen Rajan