I have 3 engines.
1. Lionel Legacy SD45T-2
2. Lionel TMCC NKP Berkshire
3. MTH Premier ES44AC
I know MTH DCS can run Legacy and TMCC engines but not vice versa. Would you guys operate with Legacy or DCS?
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I have 3 engines.
1. Lionel Legacy SD45T-2
2. Lionel TMCC NKP Berkshire
3. MTH Premier ES44AC
I know MTH DCS can run Legacy and TMCC engines but not vice versa. Would you guys operate with Legacy or DCS?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
I use both....heck with it....no worries about who’s gonna work with who....the MTH stuff is loaded on the DCS, the Lionel on the Legacy......done.........Pat
Like Pat I have both systems, TMCC and DCS. I have my TMCC base connected to my TIU (with the MTH cable) and run both DCS and TMCC locomotive from the DCS remote.
Harmonyards has the answer, but If you go with one or the other you’ll still need to purchase other items. Lionel can only run MTH in conventional mode.
harmonyards posted:I use both.....Pat
Same here
Buying DCS for your MTH locos does not give you command control of Lionel Legacy/TMCC locos. You need at least a Legacy base and connecting cable (from Lionel and MTH respectively) to operate your Legacy locos with the DCS handheld or smart device app. Might as well have both systems if you insist on having both company's locos. If you want to keep costs down, pick one and restrict yourself to either MTH locos or Lionel/Atlas/3rd Rail locos. Also used K-Line, Weaver locos have TMCC in many cases. Sorry about the complex news.
We have both Legacy and DCS. Had just Legacy but MTH kept coming out with things we wanted and Lionel didn’t make. Plus the Q/C issues made us nervous To many eggs in one basket.
So we took the plunge and have not regretted it.
On the brighter side, this is not all bad.
You have a perfect excuse to get more engines. Each one will lower the average command control cost per engine.
Or, choose the one you like the most, sell the other, and stick with that brand.
Good luck.
I have the Lionel Legacy System, from the time it originated free with the Legacy Lionel Big Boy, around 2006 or so. I am still learning all of it’s functions and it makes running trains on my layout a lot of fun. If I have issues, Lionel repairs these systems free. I now have 2 sets, 2 expansion sets. Most all of my engines are Legacy Command, the others are TMCC. Good luck, Happy Railroading
An economical option to run all of the listed engines would be to use TMCC and a DCS Explorer. You won’t get all the features of the legacy engine or the DCS engine. However, you get to run all the engines in command.
Since Lionel doesn’t sell the TMCC any longer, you have to find one on the secondary market. I have seen them for low 200 or less if used.
A DCS Explorer can be found for $100 or less. At that price most of those are used.
I run TMCC and a DCS Explorer on my Christmas layout.
Mark W
"I run TMCC and a DCS Explorer on my Christmas layout."
Having just bought an Explorer, be aware that it comes with no power supply, connecting cable or instructions to speak of, at least in the box. So be prepared to figure these things out on your own or ask for assistance, as I did. I think I found a power supply that puts out 90 watts, 6 amps, 15 volts with the appropriate barrel connector on Amazon for about $15. Seems to work. Caveat emptor, however.
As do some of the others above, I have both DCS and Legacy. It seemed to be the best solution for me as I wanted to have both Lionel Legacy and MTH DCS engines and didn't want to be limited to one or the other. I don't have the two systems connected together, MTH runs with the DCS system and Lionel runs with the Legacy system.
I started out with DCS, then added Legacy a year or so later. Not as much cash outlay all at once. But, I also started out with MTH engines and didn't have any Legacy engines until I added my Legacy system. MTH seems to offer many more items in my preferred road names so I still have quite a few more MTH engines in my stable.
When MTH came out with Wifi I added that to my system. So far I am still using the remotes for both systems, I really don't like using the app and my phone for running trains. I suppose I'll have to come around one of these days, but I'm enjoying the remotes as long as I can.
I suppose each system has pros and cons, but I am happy with both and don't plan to change anything anytime soon. I think the only thing I might prefer slightly is the MTH remote. It's size and the way it fits in my hand, I can control most operations with one hand. The Legacy remote is more of a two handed operation for me, but that isn't really a big disadvantage. Both remotes work well.
One more vote for both.
Greg Houser posted:One more vote for both.
Both. Cheaper than an engine
If you want to control both manufacturers engines you need both systems. It's a bit of a misnomer that MTH can run Lionel in command. While it can through its interface, you still need a Lionel command base to do so. Alone in cannot.
Buy both for the most complete experience.
If I had to choose between one (due to a budget constraint, because lets face it, this is an expensive hobby), I'd say go with TMCC/Legacy all the way. You can run more locomotives of different manufacturers with the same control system. I have had a love/hate relationship with MTH, mostly hate, as I could list several instances where products made by MTH have given me issue after issue. I have resolved to never again purchase an MTH product with anything more than interior lighting because of my experiences with their products, and even then I still doubt myself. I further refuse to use DCS, since at the train club that I am a part of, I have seen countless MTH locomotives simply choose to not work, and, as a result, have seen members standing around waiting impatiently while the entire DCS system was rebooted. Having TMCC, I have never experienced this problem. TMCC is either on, or off. I do not have Legacy, though I am quite interested in getting it in the future, as my TMCC remotes are getting a bit long in the tooth and worn down, so an upgrade is in order. To make an analogy that only a few of the old fogeys will understand, but should make more sense to all you young fogeys like me, Using DCS for an O gauge layout is like using an Apple computer to play video games, rather than a PC. You are severely limiting the available market from which you can choose to run, and running other manufacturer's items will be difficult. Otherwise, I'd say choose both since you have locomotives from both manufacturers.
Sorry if this got a bit ranty, I'm just saying how I feel, lol.
If I could only choose one- DCS. Just as Legacy seems to be, a Proto 3 is leaps-and-bounds over a TMCC engine from the early 2000's from speed control, smoke, features, control options, etc...when you run two at the same time on the same layout the difference becomes obvious quite quickly. Added benefit, of course,(despite only being able to choose one) is DCS can control TMCC in command and Legacy in conventional. At the end of the day, DCS allows you to access all MTH features and to it's trains, any TMCC equipped engine, whether by Atlas, K-Line, Weaver, an, of course, Lionel- which, someone correct me if I am wrong, would include Lionchief Plus 2.0. That's a big selection
2nd would have to be Legacy, really everything I said above pertains here: Legacy is leaps and bounds better than TMCC, controls TMCC and others who use/have used it. The problem with Legacy, IMO, ends up being math: MTH= Command Control of All MTH DCS engines/accessories, Lionel TMCC engines, and manufacturers who used or continue to use TMCC, finally Legacy in conventional. Legacy=Command Control of All Lionel engines/accessories, Lionel TMCC engines, manufacturers who used or continue to use TMCC, and conventional control of DCS.
End of the day,: I like DCS a lot, I like the simplicity of the original TMCC(not saying that Legacy is difficult), and there are still significant amounts of engines, RS and accessories using TMCC(whether older Lionel, K-Line, Weaver or current Atlas) availlable in both the primary retail market and the secondary market.
3rd: If you just want to try something simple and play around with using a remote control to run your layout with your current engines or original TMCC, then go with that.
Both. Legacy and DCS here at my house.
If I could only chose one it would be DCS with Wi-Fi.
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