In order to get more consistent voltage to all parts of my layout I decided rather that run additional power wires from my TMCC Lockons to various parts of the track I would divide my two loops into two blocks each for a total of 4 blocks. I used fastrack block sections with the center wire disconnected to create the blocks. Two sections on each loop to create two blocks on each loop. I use power houses and Tmcc lockons to power each section of the loop.The outer loop which only has two turnouts that connect it to the inner loop works fine. The voltage is a consistent 18 now in each block. Loco runs fine until it is directed to the inner loop. It then shorts out in the middle of the turnout that leads to to connected turnout on the inner loop. I then did a test run on the inner loop and the loco shorts out in the middle of each block section. The inner loop also has several sidings it powers.
Early on I had to remove my bascule bridge from the inner loop because it was cutting off power to one side of one block. I then read that it could not support point to point power without another power source on the opposite side. Having remedied that problem I thought all would be well, but not to be.
I ran my tester along the track on the inner loop and sure enough a short is created as it crosses the block section.
Is it possible to run this as described or will I have to revert to blocking all the sidings and power them independently?
I appreciate and help at this point as I am at best an amateur electrician.