MTH is on-line posting the 5 or less... Hey how about it MTH? Update us on this caboose!
Only a couple years? Come back in 5 more then we’ll talk. Lol.
@Andy Edleman can you give us an update please? Throw a dog a bone!
I feel this will be the year...maybe.
I have been eyeing the Blue 263E P3 for a while, thought about pre ordering it and decide to wait till it actually came out, looks like a made the right decision. I like the lighted Caboose, will probably want one also! Got to tell ya I quit Pre-Order Tin Plate cause of the extra long wait and sometimes the item never gets made at all!
Doc Davis,
I want the Blue Lighted Caboose also, it's not happening for Christmas buddy!
The new Blue 263E with lighted Caboose will make a great addition to our FT over head layout, if it actually ever gets here!
Dave4581 & Marty,
Got to tell ya however the 2600 cars advertised are not going to match the new Blue 263E Perfectly, the match is the 800/2800 Rolling Stock. I believe that was a misprint in the advertisement.
I called MTH back in august, I'm still waiting for the o gauge tinplate caboose club car to ship. Back then they said around December so I wasn't expecting it until Jan-feb.
i hope they get cought up because I'm looking forward to the next catalog.
LCT items = Shipping from the Twilight Zone.
I'm still waiting for 11-70117 from the 2015 catalog.
Maybe MTH forgot to cancel it, or maybe it will show up next week? . I hope Pat still has my order and phone number in his system... Maybe they need some more pre-orders, so let's go everyone!
Somebody is going to get lucky, because it looks like the 2015 Gerber reefer will ship this month!
Just an update from Rich Foster yesterday at the WGH show in Pittsburgh...
He indicated that these items are coming. He also said that he was very happy with the quality of these items so that's worth the wait.
Thanks Rich for the info!