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I have seen some mentions of a special jigsaw blade to minimize dust when cutting Homasote.   Does anyone have a part number or manufacturer for this blade ?    My LHS  (local hardware store) had nothing close to what I think I want.

Thks, Rich in Central PA

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I've tried to cut it with one of the "knife" blades for the jigsaw, but that didn't work well, so I can't recommend it.

Those can work well but they get dull very quickly.

I found the best for me was to rough cut what I needed outside with a hand saw, and then do all final cutting using my bandsaw putting the bevels on to make the road bed.  Very minimal dust and a nice polished edge.

The box cutter with a long blade has worked best for me also.  It doesn't make a mess like cutting it with a saw.  Curved cuts with it can be a challenge, but I haven't had to make many of them.  When I first thought of trying it, I was concerned the knife would slip and I could get cut.  Yes, you have to be carefull, but I haven't encountered any slips.

@Apples55 posted:

I purchased my homosote from Home Depot. Fortunately, my layout is fairly flat, so I had HD cut the 1/2” plywood and the 1/2” homosote which saved me a lot of work and mess. If you do decide to cut it yourself, regardless of the cutting method you use, I Would highly recommend doing outside!!!

We used a metal blade in the jigsaw and two vacuums, very little mess was created.  All the Homasote was cut inside.  It did take two people to man all the vacuums and the saw, but it worked well.

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