I have such bad luck with trains that frankly I am excited when it does run right out of the box. My last three new Lionel purchases have all been defective in one way of the other. The most recent is the Silver Bells set with an engine that does not smoke. Oh well, at least it runs, plays the music, and the wife is happy. She stated she will get it fixed after Christmas. As far as tinplate I bought a Christmas set with the PS 3.0 249 engine and it runs but not through my portable layout with the Dorfan bridge. Bummer since that is one place I really wanted to run it. So, while I Cal Stewart this year I went and found a little 248 boxcab in red, bought a couple of parts and that little engine ran for almost 2 days straight. Of course towards the end of the last day there were unexplained derailments and the normal weird stuff that happens to me........
Still had fun. These things are toys. I understand that there is a lot of talent, effort, and heart put into collecting, scale building, restoration, etc. Reality is that these trains provide a change from your daily life and therefore all of the frustration, fun, and trials in between are frankly far more fun than work.
I would suggest choosing a couple of units that you have fixed and run them first, put a smile on your face, and then hit it head on and make it fun. Sometimes I will get with my train buddies with the conversation of my train failure can out do yours. yes it is weird but remember.......toys.
So, have a great Thanksgiving everyone and run them trains! (or throw the burnt carcass across the layout and try again