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Some of our locos come with an engineer or fireman figure, others do not.  Depending on the room, I have put some of the RMT Wally "engineer" figures in the cabs and they look really good.   Unfortunately I don't have enough "Wally" guys to populate the fleet and sometimes they are too big to fit in the smaller spaces.


What is another good resource to find engineer appropriate figures to fit in the actual locomotives?

And what are you using to make them stay in place....we tried a Lemax sticky pad that works okay and makes it easy to remove figures but looking for a better product.

Also hope to start populating some passenger cars with some 1:48 and 1:87 people, what do you use to keep them glued to their seats as well?

As always, thanks for your assistance.

Winter 2012 027 [3)


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  • Winter 2012 027 (3)
Last edited by Santa Fe VA
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Originally Posted by Santa Fe VA:

Thanks everyone for the Arttista suggestion. 

What are you using to keep them and passengers in place?  Don't want any lawsuits from angry riders when my son takes the curves too fast!

Yes, Arttista.

After I install the seats from Arttista, then the figures go in; both secured with a mix of Goo and CA after cleaning off a bit of paint from each to attach metal to metal.

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