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Originally Posted by prrhorseshoecurve:
Who makes a good Wood floor?


You do!  

Really, if you have ever been tempted to try a bit of scratch building, floors are the place to start.  IMO you can make a better floor than you can buy in less time it would take you to pick one out and place the order.   Just go to a craft store and buy some thin balsa sheets and scribe away.  Take your time and get the lines straight. Darken a few boards with some brown felt markers (those kits for retouching scratched wood are good). Stain the whole thing with a brown/black I/A wash, and finish up by rubbing in some brown/red chalk.
















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This is a scan of slatted wood used for a different project, probably suitable for flooring. Glue it to a piece of artboard, foamcore, chipboard or print on cardstock and trim to size.



It's a repeated pattern, but for the purpose shown is probably suitable. 


If you want something more realistic, it would be easy to make from a few lengths os 1/4 x 1/16 stripwood available at a hobby shop.


The file should be 7x10. If you want a higher res file, email me at


Link copied to your clipboard.