While I haven't had anything to add, still been following along here all day, and as the project gets a bit more complex I'd like to re-propose the nuclear option from my first post, building your own micro-controller based meter unit. Added to the complexity factor is that the proposed meters are not rated to give accurate results on loads under 5 amps. While 10 amp supplies to each block are common, actually using more than 5 amps may not be, depending on what sort of engines and cars are being run. Double heading dual motor postwar locomotives with a string of incandescent lighted cars? You can count on pulling more than 5 amps, however with any modern engines, and non-lighted or LED cars, you may never see a 5 amp draw.
Having priced out the parts and at least finding enough videos on youTube to prove the concept works, it is starting to look like a better option for accurate readings, and as the project to use the shunt meters gets more complex, using a bunch of auction site Chinese modules and an arduino is getting less complex by compare.
If I understand correctly, George is planning on having 4 amp meters and 4 volt meters in this application. I would assume for power from 4 transformers(or separate throttles on the same transformer) to 4 blocks or loops of track. This can be accomplished with some easy to find parts from the auction site and some basic components. Aside from being substantially less expensive, and only a little more complex to implement, you gain the benefit of having the high current voltage completely isolated from everything else, letting you use a single power source and not have to worry about the failure of one current sensor taking out anything else. You also gain the ability to have the meter panel automatically cut power to the track in the event of rising above any preset current level, for any preset amount of time. You could even make that adjustable with a little display and control panel if you wanted.
The sensors I've found appear to have a .1 amp sensitivity, which may be less than the shunt meter offers, however it is plenty good enough for casually monitoring track current draw. I did not see a sensitivity listed on the meter linked at the top of this thread, and every similar meter has the same documentation. There is 75mv shown, but I do not know how to translate to how many decimal places it reads in amps.
Anyway, the hardware involved would be as follows
priced from china on the auction site.)
1 Amp USB charger: $4.99
Arduino Nano(clone board): $1.84
4x ACS712 based current sensor modules: $1.36 each, $5.44 total
4x 8-digit MAX7219 based 7-segment display: $1.18 each, $4.72 total
16x 1n4001 diodes: $0.01 each. 16 cents total.
4x 1uf 50v capacitor: $0.10 each. 40 cents total.
8x Undetermined resistors, about $0.05 each. Adding 6 bucks for a full assortment pack.
4x fuse holder: $1.01 each. $4.04 total.
4x fuses: $0.10 each. 40 cents total.
Various wire for hook up and high current: apx. $5.00 ?
Terminal strips for connections: $1.99 each, $3.98 total.
(optional) :
Arduino jumper wires: about $1.00
830 point solder-less breadboard: $2.03
Grand Total: $40.00 oddly enough it came out to a nice even number, Couldn't do that if I tried.
While LED's take very little power each, one may think you need a bigger power supply to light up 8 displays, after all you've got , say 7 segments per digit, 4 numbers per meter and 8 meters, so you could have up to 224 LED on at 20mA each, or 4.48 amps to light them all. But wait, you say, you're only using a 1 amp power supply! Sure am. The LED's use a multiplexer driver which is built into each set of 8 digits. On each set of 8 digits only 1 led is actually turned on at a time, it just switches from one to the next faster than the eye can see. there is never more than 4 LED's turned on at a time on the whole setup, drawing 80mA max. that's nothing for our little power supply.
I chose the NANO specifically for this project rather than the UNO or pro-mini arduino boards because the nano has 8 analog input pins where the larger board has only 6. The code to read proper RMS amps is the most complex part of the project, but it has been demonstrated in many places on the web already. the rest of the code is simply shifting data out to the displays and is straight forward.
The ASC712 modules are Hall effect sensors. they come in 5A, 20A and 30A versions, but there is actually no difference between them for our application except the max current we can read. I'd use the 20 amp version to make the math simple in the programing as it is 100mV per 100mA. All three versions will source a continuos 50 amp current with out damage, even though they can not measure the current, and will handle at least 100 amp spikes. Being hall effect sensors they are electrically isolated between the sensor and the current being measured.
The MAX7219 based 8 digit displays use a simple 3 wire interface to the arduino. 2 of those wires are shared across each display, and the last is separate for each, taking up 6 of the digital I/O pins of the NANO
The rest of the parts are just basic stuff. Fuses as a CYA feature, incase something fails, diodes, caps and resistors to make a rectifier and voltage divider do the Arduino can measure the AC voltage, Wire and terminal strips for the connections and hook-up to the transformers and track, And some little wires and a bread board to plug everything together.
I would probably choose a slightly more complex route using tiracs and make a fold back circuit, but with a $5.02 relay board and a 10 cent 74595 chip you could also add the function to turn off power if current goes higher then a set level. Might need a couple of transistors in there, but not sure on that. the relay boards are rated right around the max current the shift register can provide.
Nuclear option over now, return to your regularly scheduled conversation. I'm gonna build one and see how it works.